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Five Life Lessons to Teach Your Kids

If we all have a parenting handbook for every situation in life, it would be ideal. However, as parents we learn as we live. We make mistakes. We go with our gut instincts. We do what we think is best for our children, at that moment. We admit our faults, and we become a better human being as we grow with them. They are not only learning from us, we also learn from them.

These five simple lessons are for you to teach your children:

Live Out Your Passion

Once becoming parents, we are tight up with many responsibilities at home, and duties at work. We put ourselves in the back burners, and forget our own dreams. Children usually mirror their parents. They look up to the closest adults in their life.

When you follow your passion, or do hobbies that you enjoy, you become more creative, and feel less stress. As you involve with leisure activities, you are less likely to get sick or depressed.

If you show children that you can juggle responsibilities, and still commit to your own passion, they will learn to make time for their own leisure.

Develop a Grateful Attitude

People who have gratitude are happier than people who don’t. Find positive things to be thankful for every day. Point out to them that when you show gratitude, people around them feel better too.

Gratitude gives an immediate mood boost. It is important for your physical and mental well-being. Your children will learn that being grateful make them more likable, and people also want to be around them more.

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Finance is a Serious Part of Life

In the good old days, our parents made it clear to “not talking about money in front of the kids.” That was not advised any more. Children need to know how to save, how to spend, how to manage money, and how to budget it.

Teach them that sometimes you have to make sacrifices for what’s most important. Priorities such as mortgage insurance and repairs come before a trip to the Bermuda. They will be more ready and have a better success in financial areas.

Admit Your Faults

If you made a mistake, apologize! You are teaching your child that it is all right, and as human, parents make mistake too. Nobody is perfect.

My parents never said sorry, even if they made a mistake. They don’t believe in that concept, and they even get mad to hear their children apologize to their grandchildren.

When you realize what you did wrong, and admit it, you teach your children to accept who you are, with all aspects of your being. You teach them to love without conditions.

Family is Important

The last important suggestion is family. Try to have time as a family, eat dinner together, go bowling, fishing, or have a picnic to strengthen the bond. As a family unit, you can share a wide range of emotions and you can go through many hardships together.

If they learn that family is important, they will carry this belief into their life. They will cultivate a strong family when they have their own.

This is just five simple lessons to teach your kids. Technology is a wonderful thing, but it also can alienate us. The old traditions and values that we used to have, seemed to diminish as days go by. We can adapt to the constant changes and instill in our children what we hold dear to our hearts.