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Five Handmade Gifts for Graduates

Gifts for Graduates

Even though the title says, “Graduation Gifts,” these gifts are so unique and that they can be for any occasion for any special person: Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, a day you feel like it!

With Mother’s Day in May and Father’s Day in June, and those other yearly personal holidays like birthdays and anniversaries graduation presents can be at the bottom of your list when your budget is already tight. Here are 5 simple, affordable, homemade but unique gift ideas for your special person on their special day.

1. Picture frame

As clich©d as it may sound, personalization and addition of sentiment will make a simple gesture special. Just take a favorite picture of you and the recipient and print it in black and white, giving it a timeless character and making it an unforgettable moment for both of you. Then, just place it in a simple frame. It’s your choice how much you want to spend on the frame depending on the personality of the recipient and your taste. If you want, you can personalize it further with a hand-written note by you and friends/loved ones and put it in the back or the front. A note in the back is an unanticipated surprise, which they can choose to display later.

2. Flashdrive/ “memory” stick

A graduate can never have enough electronics for their future pursuits. A memory drive a simple object, with affordable price tags, and countless useless. But this one, from you will be different. There’s a lot of memory space in flashdrives, especially for REAL memories. It might sound mean, but that’s the fun of it'”it’s actually really fun for both of you. Fill the flashdrive with memories of you and the recipient. Create a file and fill it with pictures, notes, music, videos, and whatever can fit. If you have the juices, you can even write a story and make illustrations and make a Powerpoint presentation so that they can “read” it when they open it. They can easily empty the stick by uploading the files onto their computer and use the drive for other purposes.

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3. Time

Yes, you can give someone time'”your time. Tell them that you have an outing planned for them. Make an invitation and meet them at their favorite restaurant, have a picnic, watch a movie, or do whatever they like. This idea is simple, but especially for those graduates leaving home, it might be one of the best gifts. It’s also great for anyone you love. Showing that you can take time out of your own personal schedule for them is always touching.

4. Money$$!

Everyone likes money, but here’s an idea that will have the recipient like YOU rather than just the money. Do you remember those GEICO commercials with the stack of money with eyes? It’s actually really easy to replicate. Don’t worry, you don’t have to have that much cash. To make the stack of bills appear bigger, take slips of paper smaller than the real bills and place them in between. Then, wrap the stack with a thin strip of paper to keep them together. For the eyes, tape two white ping-pong balls together and draw little black circles for the pupils. Place the eyes on the stack and put them somewhere unexpected to surprise the special someone. Keep close by to witness the reaction and enjoy!

5. Journal

This idea is similar to the flashdrive idea, but with a journal. As much as technology has permeated all of our lives, an old-fashioned hand-written note becomes special. Again, you can write a story with illustrations too. Then, leave the rest of the pages for the recipient to fill themselves.