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Five Creative and Free Gift Wrap Ideas

Gift Wrap, Wrappers

Gift wrap can be expensive. Some rolls can cost as much as $7 or more. Gift bags can be nearly as expensive. Save money and make your present really stand out with creative uses of found items to create memorable gift wrap. Turn your trash into money saving treasure while making your present stand out as a real conversation piece at the party!

The Classic: Use Comics

The classic free gift wrap is to use the weekly funny pages instead of traditional gift wrap. These large pages can be used just like gift wrap. The paper is durable and easy to work with, making it an ideal choice for alternative wrap. The same can be said for any section of the newspaper. From sports to fashion to food, any section can be used to match the personality of the recipient.

Candy Wrappers, Product Wrappers and Containers

Using candy wrappers takes planning, but will make an impression. Cut the end off of candy wrappers and save them. When you have a reasonable amount, place them face down with the ends touching. Trim any uneven areas. Using clear tape on the backside of the wrappers, snugly tape the edges together until you create a solid sheet of candy wrapper wrapping paper. Use this sheet just like a normal piece of gift wrap.

Use product wrappers or containers as gift wrap just like candy wrappers. Fast food paper wraps that have been cleaned and dried, silver juice pouches that have been cleaned, dried and cut open at the seams or chip bags are three great mediums to turn into eye catching gift wrap.

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Scraps of fabric can be cut and sewn together to create a fabulous present cover. Old sheets, torn clothing or extra fabric pieces from sewing projects can be used. The more fabrics used the more interesting the piece will be. Fabric is also reusable so the recipient can pass it on with their next gift wrap opportunity. In my family we have one fabric gift bag that has been passed around for the last eight years between family members!

Old Wallpaper

The back of my closet has several rolls of old wallpaper from past projects and that I have picked up at yard sales for pennies. This wide paper has come in handy several times to create an elegant gift wrap. It is thicker than normal gift wrap, so takes a little bit of care to work with. This works best with a box or smooth sided item to wrap.

Old Sheet Music

Music lovers will adore getting a present wrapped in old sheet music. Available at yard sales and in dusty attics, you can turn these pages into a symphony of gift wrap. Tape together multiple sheets until you reach the size desired. Use just like pieces of gift wrap.

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