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Five Common Dental Problems in Dogs

Dental Problems, Dog Breath, How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth, Tennis Ball

Did you know that dogs have dental problems just like humans? In general, most occur as a result of a build up of calculus or tartar. For this reason, it is just as important to brush your dog’s teeth as it is your own. So, what are the most common dental problems for dogs? They are the five below:

1- Bad Breath

If your dog has really bad breath, it is a sign of a dental problem. He either has a brewing infection or an excess of bacteria on his tongue. You can resolve this issue by taking him to the vet for a dental check up along with scraping his tongue and brushing his teeth. By doing all of these things, you will see that your dog’s breath will drastically improve.

2- Loose Teeth

Loose teeth usually occur in older dogs and can be linked to many things. Either poor dental hygiene and/or genetics are the cause of the teeth loosening up. This dental problem is a challenge because it is usually difficult to reverse. If poor hygiene is the culprit, your vet can clean your dog’s teeth and remove any tartar or calculus on them. However, if genetics is playing a role, there’s not much you can do.

3- Slab Fracture

A slab fracture is the breaking of the enamal layer on a tooth. This kind of fracture usually occurs on the fourth molar in a dog’s mouth and can be linked to the chewing of bones. Yes, a dog who likes to gnaw on a bone can actually damage his teeth. For this kind of dental problem, you needs to seek the assistance from a vet. He will determine what is the best route is to repair the problem. Also, you will want to give your dog another “softer” alternative to the bone he is chewing on.

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4- Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth occurs when a cavity is not taken care of and the tooth becomes infected. A sign that your dog is suffering from an abscessed tooth is that he is sensitive to touch (around the mouth) and won’t eat certain hard foods anymore. Naturally, you can’t take care of this kind of dental problem on your own. You need to take your dog to a licensed vet who will either repair or extract the tooth.

5- Tennis-ball Mouth

Does your dog like to chew on a tennis ball for several hours each day? If so, he’s ruining his teeth. The abrasive exterior of a tennis ball wears away the outer enamel on the teeth. Although this won’t necessarily cause him pain, it will affect his ability to chew. What’s the solution? Give your dog a new, softer item to chew on and throw the tennis ball away.

These five problems are the most common dental problems for dogs. To learn more on how to take care of your dog’s mouth, read “How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth”.