Articles for tag: Methyl Salicylate, Orajel, Toothaches, Wisdom Tooth Extraction

How to Soothe a Toothache

As I write this article I am in absolute agony, and since they say that the key to writing is to write what you know about, this should be one humdinger of an article because at this very moment I am the world’s foremost expert in toothaches. At least from the perspective of suffering from ...

Karla News

After Care Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Having your wisdom teeth extracted is just the beginning on the road to recovery. If you have been experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth, extraction will alleviate the symptoms that you have been experiencing. But what about after care? This article will look into how to care for yourself in the days following surgery. As ...

Karla News

What to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

If you are having your wisdom teeth removed, your diet is probably going to change for a while. Whether the extraction is done at your dentist’s office or at the hospital, the outcome will be similar: there is going to be at least one big, gaping whole in your jaw, a potential hiding spot for ...

Karla News

The Top Health Social Network Sites

Recently, while preparing for a wisdom tooth extraction, I needed a little wisdom on the matter, if you will. I talked to family and friends who had undergone the surgery to get some advice about preparation, procedure, and recovery, but for some reason I wasn’t quite satisfied. I found myself reaching beyond my “real life ...

Karla News

Five Tips to Survive a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Three hours ago, I was sitting nervously and reluctantly in the dentist chair, waiting to get a wisdom and molar pulled. After my horrible experience two years ago with an infected wisdom tooth extraction, I was close to a panic attack. Being the queen of procrastination, I have put this off for two years now. ...

Karla News

How to Survive Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery

Getting your wisdom teeth out is a rite of passage nowadays. Most people have them removed sometime during their teen years or early 20s. If you have a large mouth, you may be one of the lucky few who does not have to get them removed. If the jaw is wide enough, the wisdom teeth ...