Karla News

Fiskars Razor-Edged Softouch Scissors: Relief for Thumb- and Arthritis-Pain Sufferers

Fiskars, Sewing Crafts

More than two years ago, I started having pains in my hand in the fatty part of my palm near my thumb. It would come and go. At the time, I was a photographer and was constantly using my right thumb to press the button to take pictures of babies, toddlers, children, teens, adults, couples, families, etc. during the back-to-school and Christmas rush. We would be taking pictures non-stop on weekends. During the week, we worked alone, so that meant non-stop for me at times, and it started taking a tool on my hand. I would pull out my hand brace I had from years ago (when I had sprained my wrist) and wear that to work. It would help, and the pain would be gone for a couple more months. Then it would act up again during cold and humid weather. When my hand and thumb were feeling fine, I would go about my sewing, crafts, etc. as usual.

Well as most of you have read that my thumb continued to get worse. I think it started when my sister and I opened our own seamstress business. we had deadlines and would work till 2 a.m. and then I would go home to get some sleep, only to have to be at work at 10 a.m. to open the studio and take pictures for 8 hours. Then after work I would head over to my sisters and we would start designing patterns, pinning them on the fabric and cutting them out, and begin sewing. This went on for 11 months non stop. There were some times that we got some last minute orders for a show, so we would stay up until it got light out, or if I didn’t have to work we would pull an all nighter plus sew into the morning. I would stay over at my sisters, we would nap and then get up to keep sewing, or cutting, etc.

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Well my thumb just continued to get worse so I went to the doctor, and he gave me a cortisone shot and said to come back in 2 weeks if it hadn’t worked. He also suggested that I get a scissors that I would only have to close and it would have a spring release to open itself. To save my hand/thumb from repetitive motion.

I went to our local Joann Fabrics to check out there scissors. They had so many to chose from but, at that time only had 2 spring release handled scissors. I selected the one that was 2 toned gray with an orange lock button. It was the Fiskars Razor-Edged Softouch Scissors with the cost being $26.99. It was more then I wanted to spend, but if it was going to help mt thumb/hand, then it would be well worth it.

My Fiskars Razor-Edged Softouch Scissors has the following features:

Easy action spring release
Steeper and sharper angled blades
Slide lock that is easy to use
Use for left or right handed (the lock will unlock from the left or the right)
Cushioned handles that are ergonomic

It worked beautifully cutting fabric, or what ever we were working on at the time. my thumb didn’t hurt, so it was well worth every dollar spent.

As some of you may have read, I found out I had osteoarthritis of the main bone that my thumb to my hand. it was a condition that I found out later after I had purchased my Fiskars Razor-Edged Softouch Scissors. My condition was where my thumb was 1/2 out of joint. It was not caused by the scissors. The Doctor I saw never took x-rays. If he had he would have seen how far the damage was on the basal joint.

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Now that I had surgery to remove the arthritic joint. I look forward to using my Fiskars scissors again, and to get back to sewing. During my recovery I have found that I am able to cut some things with my left hand. With my good hand out of commission I am able to use the scissors with one hand, unlocking it, cutting with it and re locking it. It has helped me be able to get a few things worked on, or cut open a package of meat, crackers, cereal, etc.

To save on your joints, I highly recommend getting the Fiskars Razor-Edged Softouch Scissors. I will be using my scissors to also help eliminate the same problem happening with my left thumb. So take care of your thumb joints/hands and treat yourself to a Fiskars Razor-Edged Softouch Scissors.
