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Finding the Top Fashion Marketing School

Fashion Merchandising, Merchandising, Office Fashion for Men

Getting into a top fashion marketing school is critical for any individual interested in pursuing an exciting career in fashion design, fashion marketing or fashion merchandising. Many students who are interested in continuing their higher education in the fashion industry find it difficult to differentiate the various fashion marketing schools.

There are many reasons for this, the primary reason being that fashion marketing schools do not have the same academic guidelines and regulations as a traditional four year college. Due to this, many students have to rely on information regarding the fashion marketing schools ratings, past student experiences and the level of success of the schools alumni.

The Following are some helpful tips to help you find the top fashion marketing schools that are right for you:

* When looking for the right top fashion marketing school for you their is one avenue that many students fail to look at that can provide a great amount of information. Fashion Marketing Schools are businesses and as such they are ranked by the appropriate departments of business affairs and bureaus in your area. Many top fashion marketing schools are even ranked on websites such as the Better Business Bureau.

* Professor Reviews: Top fashion marketing colleges are almost always rated by professors of other fashion institutions. In fact, if you are researching a college which has no ratings by professors outside of the school itself I would be very Leary, in fact, I might even run the opposite direction. Professors from other schools are likely to be more critical than forgiving and because of this professor ratings often provide students with a great view of the cons that a particular school has to offer.

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* Alumni Reviews: Look online for alumni chat boards, forums, websites, and reviews on college websites. While some colleges will go as far as hiring individuals to fake alumni experiences and post them this is rare. Alumni experiences with the top fashion marketing schools are a great way for you to decide rather the student experience at that particular school will be right for you. While professor reviews will likely focus on the level of subject matter and different academic aspects of the program the alumni reviews will provide you with more information on what it is like to be a student. How are you treated, how smoothly do the classes run, how is parking, what about the total real cost of attending the school. Also, you can often contact alumni from the school and this could prove to be your most useful tool in finding the top fashion marketing school that is the best fit for your personal needs.

*Other Fashion Institutes: Top fashion marketing schools across the world realize that they cannot be everywhere at once, that is, they offer their recommendations and advice regarding the top fashion marketing schools in areas of the world that they cannot cover. For example, a top fashion marketing school in France might release a statement in support of a top school in America. Fashion marketing schools that receive a thumbs up statement from other schools are always a good, safe bet as they have proven themselves in the global school marketplace.

* Institutional Data: In regards to fashion marketing schools the data is quite limited and can be hard to access. One of the best places to obtain institutional data will be the school itself. Some types of data that you might ask for access to include school financial resources, student exam marks or test scores, starting salaries for the alumni, employment opportunities or rates etc. A word of warning however, the schools are not going to want to provide you with data which could potentially send you running. Fashion marketing schools may intentionally withhold data that they feel might drive you to attend a different fashion marketing school.

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Today many job opportunities await fashion professionals who possess great fashion oriented skills and abilities. Here we will discuss some of the top fashion marketing schools and their services.

Recommended Top Fashion Marketing Schools:

1. Brooks College of California is on the top position which provides arts degrees in fashion merchandising and fashion designing. This fashion marketing institution has various intensive degree programs for cloth design, color combination skill programs, stitching courses, and general fashion merchandising and marketing taught by several fashion industry professionals, marketers and designers. An 18 month fashion course offered by this fashion institute may include, customer trends and behavior, fashion design software, creative and business classes of fashion clothing, fashion illustrations etc.

2. Westwood College of Fashion in Denver has various associate degree programs and is considered as one of the top fashion marketing school in the world. In just 20 months, you could complete a bachelor’s degree in fashion merchandising with varying time schedules like evening, day time, and weekend classes. This fashion course deals with trend forecasting, portfolio review, fashion product development and promotion etc. The graduates of this fashion program are eligible for conducting audit classes and alumni training programs around California.

3. International Academy of Design and Technology is the best among top fashion marketing schools since it offers industrial training programs, live illustrations of latest trends, production techniques, merchandising clothing products, marketing specialties and clothing construction methodologies. Some of the best fashion courses available in this institution include bachelor degree in fashion merchandising, bachelor of fine arts degree, associate of applied sciences in fashion industry etc. Students of this institution must be well prepared and planned regarding their fashion career, industry technologies and latest equipments etc before they apply for any courses.

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4. Academy of Art University is one of the most well-known and popular fashion marketing schools. The institution offers various arts degrees in menswear design, textile design, knitwear design, fashion journalism, history of fashion, cosmetic and fragrance industries combinations, green design, sportswear design and much more. Fashion firms like Adidas, Alexander McQueen, Azzedine, Alia, Calvin Klein etc conduct campus interviews in this fashion institution. Academy of Art University is considered one of the top fashion marketing school because it offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs.