Karla News

Family Tragedy Promotes Need for 5-point Harness Booster Seats

Booster Seats, Britax, Car Seat Safety, Driver Safety

Kyle David Miller’s parents described him as a “kind and compassionate soul.” He was a three year old who loved animals, Sponge Bob, and giving hugs and kisses. His life ended tragically on May 29, 2005, when another car hit their vehicle and he was ejected from his standard booster seat. The seat was a “standard” booster seat that had been secured by a lap belt. His family thought this was all that was available, but learned after the accident that a different seat could have saved his life. They have started their own crusade to educate others about seatbelt failure and car seat safety.

Their mission began as a simple tribute video for Kyle that they posted on YouTube.com. The four minute video shares the story of their son’s life and also shares information about how a booster seat failed to save him. News of the video quickly spread through e-mail messages and on Internet chat rooms and message boards. Three months later, the site has received over two million hits.

We just sent it out to friends and family, not really thinking it would be a public service announcement,” Kyle’s mother Christine Miller said in a recent television interview with KPRC Local 2 news in Houston, TX. “I put it on and within 24 hours, it had over 100,000 people look at it. I would check a few hours later and 100,000 more people looked at it. You can’t even conceive that there are that many people out there.”

Most five-point harness car seat systems can only be used with children through 40 pounds. At that point, the seat becomes a booster seat without the five point harness or the child must transition to a booster seat. Currently, there are only two five-point harness car seats available for children weighing more than 40 pounds and prior to the Miller’s efforts to educate the public, the seats were only available online.

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Kyle’s mother said that after the accident, putting her daughter Katie back in the car was “the most terrifying thing you know.” She knew that experts said that the five-point harness seats offered the most protection, but she had to search to find them. “I really had to look hard to find it. It is not just something you go to a store and get. I think that is the problem we had and most people have when their child grows out of their car seat. They go to the store to see what else there is and there are booster seats.”

The Britax Regent includes a five point harness and can be used with children from 22 to 80 pounds. It retails for $269 and is currently back ordered. In June, all Babies ‘R Us stores will begin carrying these seats in place of their booster seats. The Radian 80, manufactured by Sunshine Kids, can be used with children from birth through 80 pounds and also has a five point harness. It retails for $279 and is also on back order.

“These seats weren’t popular sellers before. Now they can’t keep them in stock,” Miller said.

When the Millers realized the impact of their message, they decided to create the Kyle David Miller Foundation, which is a nonprofit organization. The goals of the foundation, as outlined on the website, include: raising car seat awareness, helping to provide car seats to those who cannot afford them, promoting legislation that will increase driver safety through more stringent testing standards, and working with auto manufacturers to improve seatbelts and other vehicle safety devices.

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“The biggest fear when you lose a child is that they get forgotten about – that the world just keeps going without them and it is like they never were,” Miller said. “As a parent, you are always struggling with a way to keep them alive … keep their memory alive and I think that this foundation has really helped us tremendously.”

Kyle’s father Kevin said, “We know that we can’t do anything physically for Kyle now, but through the foundation we can reach out to families that are in need of car seats.

In addition to the attention that the YouTube.com video has received, the family has also been featured on various TV news stations and has other appearances planned in the future.

“We couldn’t have done this one on our own,” Christine Miller said. “It is the thousands of people who have helped us to get this message out there. It’s really neat. I had no idea it would take off the way it has.”
