Karla News

Exercise Bulimia, a Serious Condition


We all know about the dangers of eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia. But have you heard about the newest danger, getting too much exercise.

This phenomena left me a bit speechless. Exercise and I have this ongoing love/hate relationship. Back when I was fourteen years of age, I began exercising. It was the craze of aerobics and all those cute exercising outfits. I hated gym as a class. But I loved dancing with all those beautiful actresses and models via by video tapes. This love carried on into my late teens and into my twenties. Then life happened. I got busy. I knew I needed to exercise, but it was hard to find the time.

Now that I am thirty something (no don’t ask, you never ask a lady her age), I still try to exercise. Some weeks and months, I do good. Some weeks and months, I am just too busy or lazy.

Then I hear about this new disorder. It is actually called exercise bulimia. It is a disorder where the person is compulsive when it comes to exercising. The person uses exercise as a tool to keep from getting fat. But it is more than that. In the regular form of bulimia the person eats food and then purges in from their body. Sometimes a person who suffers from exercise bulimia will do exactly the same thing. In this case, the purging is the exercise itself. The person will exercise his or herself away sometimes literally. Their weight will start going down and left untreated, they will eventually become sick or worse, just with the normal bulimia we all have heard and read about over the years.

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Here are some of the symptoms of exercise bulimia

Well, to start, does the person exercise so much that they are missing out on life’s events? Is this person choosing to exercising over going out, going to work, going to social events, etc.

Does this person continue to exercise even if they have an injury or illness?

Does the person work out for hours at a time?

Does the person seem to get depressed or anxious if they have to skip an exercise session?

Does the person talk about exercising a lot?

What are some of the dangers of too much exercise?

Strain on the muscles and joints can cause energy.

Dehydration, from too much sweating.

Too much strain on the heart


Reproductive problems

Some other physical signs that may singal that a person has an exercise problem is:

Of course, loosing too much weight, sometimes too quickly

Missed periods

Looking tired and complaining of fatigue

Feeling faint

Yes, as the old saying goes, too much of a good thing is bad for you, this includes exercise. If you think you or someone you know may be suffering from exercise bulimia, please seek help today. Talk to your physician. Check online for support groups. Talk to other people who are going through the same thing.

Don’t wait. This can led into a life or death situation.