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Easy Earth Day Activities for Kids

Earth Day Activities, Earth Day Activities for Kids

Earth Day is a great time to make children aware and appreciate the environment. Earth Day is held on April 22 and there are many activities that children of all ages can partake in to celebrate. These Earth Day activities for kids are easy to do and provide fun and valuable lessons.

Earth Day Solar Energy Activity

This Earth Day activity will teach kids the benefits of using solar energy to purify water. This activity will allow them to learn the importance of having clean water and they will be proud once they have accomplished this task. You’ll need a large clear bowl from your pantry, enough plastic wrap to cover the top of the bowl, a drinking glass, kitchen spices or salt, food coloring, a small stone and a glass of drinking water.

Place the drinking glass in the center of the bowl. Fill the bowl with water, food coloring and salt or other kitchen spices. The goal is to make the water appear undrinkable. Then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place the pebble over the wrap above the center of the glass and place everything in the sun. The heat from the sun will eventually evaporate the “polluted” water and the vapor will drip off of the wrap and fall into the cup. Your child will be amazed that they made clean drinking water.

Reusable Totes Bags with Earth Day or Green Messages

Buy a blank tote bag and some nontoxic paint and have your kid decorate their own shopping tote bag. Explain to them how using paper or plastic bags can be harmful to the environment. They will get into the habit of reminding you to take their artwork with you to the store and this project can be used for years to come.

See also  Earth Day Activities for Kids

Earth Day Tulips

What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to get dirty and plant some flowers? Tulips are easy to grow and thrive in the spring. Buy some bulbs at your local nursery or Home Depot and a small bag of gardening soil. Allow your child to either select a location to plant the bulb or purchase a small pot to start and then transfer the bulb later. Your child can also decorate their pot to personalize it and have them tend to their bulb when needed.

Earth Day Nature Exploration & Appreciation

My favorite Earth Day activity is to go on a nature walk and explore. Kids can bring a digital camera to take picture of their favorite parts of being outdoors. They can even collect rocks along the way. You can put their pictures on the computer and creating an Earth Day screensaver or an Earth Day PowerPoint presentation for older kids. Getting children to appreciate the outdoors will make them want to have Earth Day every day!
