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Easy, Cheap Scrapbooking Ideas

Scrap Booking

Do you enjoy crafts? Do you love looking at pictures of those captured moments with your loved ones? Do you want to preserve those pictures and organize them in a way that not only you, but others for generations to come will enjoy? If you said yes to any or all of these questions you are either into or have wanted to try scrap booking.Scrapbooking is for everyone and anyone who wants a creative a beautiful way to display some of their most treasured pictures and memories. Scrapbooking can be for the easy or advanced crafter, it is something that any new crafter can try and succeed at, or it can be as elaborate as the experienced crafter

wants to make it.The one thing that is common with all scrapbookers is this, it can get expensive. Not only do you have to buy the albums to put the pictures in,but also the stickers, the decorative paper, the boarders, glue, ect… In fact,scrap booking can get so expensive that some people are driven away from it because it can just be too pricy to keep up. You can only use stickers and all those beautiful paper boarders once after all, and anyone who has stepped in a craft store can tell you that those little stickers are not cheap!

The good news is that I have a solution for all you scrapbooking crafters out there. One that will not only save you a lot of money, but one that will help the environment as well! All you need is a bunch of old magazines, a scissors, and either just a glue stick or contact paper as well. This is something that I have been doing for years and have never thought of sharing until now, when I recently went to a craft store and saw that some of the $5.00 stickers they were selling looked exactly like the ones that I had made for about $0.05! This is how you can also make your own stickers.

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Go through all you old magazines and look through all the pictures. (I like to use magazines such as country living and gardening ones) Try to find pictures of flowers, food, decorations, basically anything that you think would make a good sticker or border. Then carefully take out that sheet of paper and cut out any of the objects that you like. Then, what I usually do after I have cut out a bunch of different items of all sizes is laminate the front of each with contact paper. All you do is layout a small piece of contact paper sticky side up on the table, then lay out all of you pictures right side down on the paper. Put another piece of contact paper on top of that to create a type of sandwich. Now you can carefully cut out all your pictures and you have your own stickers! Sometimes I just cut them out and use a glue stick and stick them to my paper that way, or I will do it the way I mentioned above and use a more permanent glue to stick them to my paper. Either way they are my own unique scrap booking stickers and they look just the way I want them to look, because I created them! Not only have I always gotten a ton of compliments on them, but it also feels good to know I am recycling old magazines instead of just throwing them away.