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Early 2011 Video Game Releases

Deus Ex

The first quarter of 2011 is full of new video game releases. Some of these game were delayed and originally slated for the holiday season of 2010. What can gamers look forward to in the early months of the year? Here’s some of the most anticipated early 2011 video games.

Portal 2
Releasing on February 9, 2011 is the highly anticipated sequel to The Orange Box’s surprise hit. Portal 2 takes place hundreds of years after the original. Players are still Chell, who has been in stasis, only to be woken up by one of GLaDOS’ personality cores. The Aperture Science facility has become overgrown and dilapidated. Still, Chell is put through the puzzles and platforming challenges as the facility is being rebuilt. Besides the trusty portal gun, Chell will have a gel that can increase speed and a tractor beam, among other weapons. For the first time, there is a co-op mode where players are self aware robots who must work together to solve the puzzles. Co-op mode will have its own plot and have to deal with GLaDOS’ tricks, as she tries to turn them against one another. Portal 2 will be available on the PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and Mac.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Also releasing in February is Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It takes place 25 years before Deus Ex, before there was nanotech augmentations. Instead, there is mechanical augmentations and four types including combat and stealth. Adam Jensen, a security guard at an augmentation company is the main character. After he gets attacked, he gets augmented in order to survive. The game uses regenerative health for the first time in the series. Locations in the game include Detroit and Shanghai. While the game is still played in the first person, some third person views will be used during cover and certain augmentations. It will be available for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

Killzone 3

A PS3 exclusive, Killzone 3 will be compatible with Move and has 3D support. The FPS picks ups right after the events of Killzone 2 with the Helghast Empire fractured and fighting internally. The gameplay will be similar to Killzone 2, but has some changes. The game takes place in a harsh environments like jungles, space and the Arctic. The environments will be fully destructible. Players will have jetpacks like in Killzone Liberation, but they will be used differently. The close combat has been revamped, letting players perform brutal melee attacks and combos. It will be released February 22, 2011.

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Also being released on February 22, 2011 is Bulletstorm. Set in a futuristic world, a confederation is protected by mercenaries called Dead Echo. When they find out they’re been fighting the wrong side, they betray the commander and are exiled. Players are Grayson, who we met as a drunken space pirate years after his exile. He and another exile have to try to escape a planet full of mutants and flesh eaters. The game boasts ridiculously big weapons. Skillshots are rewards given to players who creatively incite the most chaos. With Skillshots, you can unlock weapons and upgrades. Bulletstorm will be available for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

Dragon Age 2
The popular RPG will be released on March 8, 2011. Players are Hawke as he comes to power through out the 10 years of the story. Unlike Dragon Age:Origins, the race of the character can not be changed. New spells and combat have been added. Players can also import saved data from Origins and Awakening. The choices made in the previous games will affect story lines in the new one. A dialogue well similar to the one in Mass Effect has been added. It will be available for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.

Crysis 2
The sequel to Crysis with be released on March 22, 2011. It takes place in New York City, three years after the first game. The city has been evacuated due to an alien infestation. The game will support 3D and be the first to showcase the CryEngine 3. The aliens have been drastically redesigned and the cityscape environment is totally destructible. Players will be able to customize weapons and other abilities. Nano suit upgrades will be based on your combat style. It will be available for the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360.

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The video games releasing in the early months of 2011 could easily pass for big holiday titles. There are other big name games like Dead Space 2 also coming out in early 2011 which is featured here. In the coming year, gamers will have plenty of anticipated games to keep them busy.



Bulletstorm on ign.com

Deus Ex Human Revolution on ign.com

