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Drink Herbal Green Tea and Fight Diabetes

Tea Ceremony

Green tea could have possibly saved my grandpa’s life. I lost my grandpa to Diabetes a few years ago. He was a cheerful, happy-go-lucky person, who lived life to the fullest. But his fight with diabetes was traumatic to us all. He lost his leg, his vision and then his life, all in a matter of one week… all because of Diabetes.

He had been drinking green tea for a year before he passed away, and it had started helping him. But since his diabetes was too severe, may be it could not help too much. May be things would have been different, had he been drinking herbal green tea for a longer time. So don’t wait for things to go wrong. Start acting today, so that you stay healthy tomorrow.

The Western world started taking interest in green tea about 60 years ago. A university doctor found out that the blood sugar levels of his patients lowered, only during the green tea ceremony. Once the green tea ceremony was over, the blood sugar levels went back to normal. The doctor then wrote a report on these remarkable benefits of green tea. Then World War II began, and this study was ignored.

The number of cases of diabetes has gone up in recent times. Due to this, there is again an increasing interest, in how green tea can help lower the blood sugar levels. One may wonder, if we should be thinking and worried about diabetes at all.

For this let us understand what diabetes is. Duodenum is primarily responsible for the digestion of sugars.This is also where sugars are transformed into glucose and then get absorbed into the blood stream.This blood sugar then enters the tissue and insulin is what regulates this.When this insulin does not function properly or when the body is unable to produce sufficient insulin, the absorption of glucose into the system is affected.This condition is called Diabetes.This finally causes high levels of blood sugar, which the body needs to get rid off. Even the vascular system might get affected by diseases such as atherosclerosis and retinal hemorrhages, if these high levels of blood sugars are not taken care of.

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According to some studies that have been carried out on animals recently, green tea may help not only in the prevention of type 1 diabetes, but it may also help slow down the disease, even if it does set in. But the question that arises is, how does green tea really help? From the studies that were carried out, one might conclude that green tea contains high levels of catechins and polysaccharides. When it comes to reducing the blood sugar levels naturally, these two constituents play a key role.

People in Japan drink approximately four to six cups of green tea a day.This dosage of green tea, which is considered as a natural dietary supplement, is recommended in order to enjoy its benefits. In the west, green tea extract that is found in several supplements, is its most common form. If green tea is combined and consumed with other complimentary naturally occurring nutrients, its health benefits will be much higher. This combination that then results and which provides great benefits to health is called a synergy.

In conclusion, without an iota of doubt we can say that, green tea is definitely beneficial in reducing the blood sugar levels. This is not what I say, all my research and the facts point in this specific direction.

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My Original article link : http://healthmad.com/conditions-and-diseases/drink-herbal-green-tea-fight-diabetes-now/