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Don’t Leave Drought Resistant Grass to Chance

Drought Resistant

Can you see your footprints in your lawn? That’s not good. It signals your grass needs a drink.

Okay but why it is some yards fare better than others in drought conditions?

Well, there are several factors that favor some homeowners with more drought resistant grass.

It all starts out with growing the right grass for your area.

For example do you live where long, dry, hot summers are the norm? Instead of coming up with a better sprinkler system maybe reseeding with a more drought resistant grass variety would be better. Like Buffalo grass, Bermuda, or Zoysia. Such varieties would put you at least within striking distance of a drought tolerant lawn should extended dry periods be common.

If you water do so early in the morning. For one there’s less wind to affect your sprinkler. Not only that but cooler temperatures and less sun means less water evaporating before it soaks in. And some would say it gives more time for the lawn to dry out before it gets dark. Which makes it less likely your grass might fall prey to mold or disease that thrives in wet damp conditions.

It’s better to water less often but longer. Doing so encourages deep root growth. Deep roots can access moisture in the earth better than shallow ones. Result? More drought resistant grass!

Don’t cut your grass too short. Why? Doing so only encourages shallow roots. Leaving your lawn exposed to drought. And do not just take your mower’s word for it. Make sure the setting is right by measuring how high the blade is from the sidewalk.

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While it correct to say that the higher your grass the more water it needs, yet longer grass also gives produces deeper roots. Which again gives your lawn a better chance of coming through a dry spell in better shape.

Also you want to be constantly feeding. Just not the way you think. You see if you bag your clippings you’re robbing your lawn of a valuable source of nitrogen. Not bagging can also cut your lawn’s need for fertilizer by as much as a third.

When it comes to fertilizing don’t do it during a drought. Spring is better with more rain and cooler temps. Not only that but if you fertilize the grass and stimulate growth, you can plan on watering more if it’s not raining regularly. And is that smart? Probably not the best way to grow more drought resistant grass.

Anyway, follow these simple steps and you just may have drought resistant grass too. Ready for whatever mother nature dishes out. With a lushness that leaves your neighbors green with envy.

Does your neighbor have one of those new “>zero turn lawn mowers and drought resistant grass? If ZTR mower envy is a problem you need to read more about them.