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Does a Wolfdog Make a Good Family Pet?

Wolf Hybrid

Wolfdogs are a cross between a wolf and a dog. They require more patience and care than a regular dog. Before bringing home a wolf hybrid, be sure you are willing to keep the pet wolf for its entire life. Wolfdogs generally live from 16 to 20 years and in that time; they remain faithful to only one family. If the wolfdog is given away by the family who adopted him, he often goes into mourning and can even die from grief.


Wolfdogs do not behave in the same way as dogs, in fact, they are more intelligent than dogs. Wolf hybrids have brains that are 35 percent larger than dogs. They consider themselves members of the family and remain loyal friends throughout their lives. Spending time bonding with a wolfdog puppy guarantees his love. Usually, the wolfdog will choose one member of the family to be his closest friend for life.


Wolfdogs require a totally secure living area. They prefer to live outside and many do not adapt to living inside the house. They tolerate cold weather very well and actually like it. Wolfdogs should be contained in an area with an eight foot high fence that is sturdy with no gaps for escape. The fence should also be installed below ground level to prevent the wolf from digging his way out. Wolfdogs are extremely intelligent and can figure out how to escape from most enclosures, which is why it is so important to be sure the living area is secure.

Roaming is an innate trait for a wolf and if he escapes, he will travel for miles. If that happens, the wolfdog can endanger both himself and others. Believe it or not, wolves are not aggressive toward humans unless they are cornered but this does not make them less dangerous. Wolfdogs have a bite as strong as a bear.
Wolf hybrids need plenty of water for both drinking and wading in the summer months. They also require a high protein, high fat diet with no fillers or grains.

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Veterinarians give wolf hybrids the same inoculations, worming, and blood tests as they do dogs.

Wolfdog Breeders

Research wolfdog breeders thoroughly before choosing a puppy. A breeder with many years of experience is very important. Experienced wolf hybrid breeders know which puppy is best suited for a family. Visit the breeder a few times to get a feel for the wolfdog puppies, the breeding environment, and the number of wolfdogs on the premises. Stay away from breeders that have so many wolves that they cannot pay attention to each one. An experienced, responsible wolfdog breeder will have quality, well adjusted puppies.

Expect the breeder to ask questions and give advice about raising a wolf hybrid. If the breeder is willing to give a puppy to anyone, no questions asked, then keep away. The breeder should be open about the responsibilities of a wolfdog owner, explaining all the pros and cons.

“There are many factors to consider before jumping into wolfdog ownership. First, think long and hard about why you want a wolfdog in particular….
There is a big difference between a wolf on a spiritual plane and a wolf in your living room. For one thing, your astral guide is not as likely to eat holes in your couch!”
by Nicole Wilde
Living with Wolfdogs: An Everyday Guide to a Lifetime Companionship

Florida Lupine Association: “Wolfdog Behavior”
Wolf Zone 1