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Do You Have a Zombie Escape Plan?


Every horror movie fan has a “zombie plan”, which is a survival plan to use if the dead rise to hunt the living. Tongue-in-cheek, they will describe what weapons they’ll use against the undead, where they will go to hide out, and how they will protect themselves against the hordes of human monsters that roam the earth. With the rise of terrorism and recent natural disasters, survival plans are an essential asset to anyone who wants to be prepared for any sort of disaster.

Enter the Zombie Squad, a self described “disaster preparation community” that began with a group of friends discussing survival tactics against a horde of the walking dead. What began as themed parties grew into a movement sparked by the desire to instruct others to be more self-sufficient. With the ultimate horror of friends, family, and neighbors being transformed into corpses starving for human flesh, the Zombie Squad used this scenario as a jumping board for more plausible situations; e.g., a bomb, terrorist threat, hurricane, tornado, etc.

While the perfect zombie plan may include a private jet, unlimited armory, and a plush fortress stocked with supplies, the Zombie Squad stresses having “bug-out bags” or “BOB”s, small bags that contain essential items like water, flashlights, canned food, and batteries. The name derives from the need to “bug out” of one’s home in a hurry. In an interview with the Riverfront Times St. Louis website, Zombie Squad member Christopher Barnhart also mentions “bugging-in”, which is the need to “hunker down” in one’s own home until an emergency tides over. This event would require a well-stocked basement or safe room, which is another safety measure that the ZS encourages.

The Squad stays true to their roots by incorporating a zombie theme through their good deeds, offering zombie removal and survival tips against such monsters, along with hosting zombie movie nights with trivia. They incorporate the horror motif into their charital work as well, hosting “zombie walks” to make people aware of local blood drives, as well as using the zombie movie nights as fundraisers for charities. The Squad also holds canned food drives and donates money/volunteer time to such charities as the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross, Project S.H.A.R.E, and many others, including raising money for those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

While the Zombie Squad’s image can be confused with one of a radical group who actually believe in the inevitable apocalypse of a zombie invasion, their unorthodox approach can bring enthusiasm for an otherwise morose topic – being prepared for a disaster. With the recent rise in the popularity of horror movies, their movie nights/blood drives bring in demographics that “normal” blood drives don’t bring, and also offers an unusual level of hype for such a service. One of the squad’s member of the board of directors, Chris Cyr, called the zombie theme “a great hook” during the Riverfront Times interview, noting that it’s akin to “tricking people into going to school”.

Undead attackers aside, the Zombie Squad is noted for their contributions to charities, as well as their stress on communities to be prepared, whether for an attack or natual disaster. If the Zombie Squad has their way, the world will be well-prepared for terrorists, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, bomb threats, blackouts, and yes, a zombie apocalypse. Their tactics are unusual, but they are useful, and could help people survive in the event of any kind of disaster.
