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Diets for Children with ADD and ADHD

Hyperactivity in Children

In recent studies done concerning the statistics of children suffering from ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, the numbers came up as being nearly 8%-10% school age children suffer from some form of ADD that is now being controlled by the diet for children with ADD. For some children, the symptoms are mild, and result in merely being labeled as ‘active’ children, or slightly ‘hyper’ children. For other children, the symptoms are severe, and these children not following the diet for children with ADD are labeled as being a ‘problem child’.

Attempts to control or ‘heal’ ADD have ranged from a myriad of medications to a special diet for children with ADD. This diet has been proven successful for those of you that prefer natural treatments such as the diet for children with ADD. Considering the fact that food allergies have been closely associated with part of the cause of ADD, it would only seem natural to investigate the diet for children with ADD. There are absolutely no negative qualities to changing you and your child’s diet, on the other hand, there are amazing benefits to making this decision to try the diet for children with ADD, and in doing so, you are helping to solve current issues, and possibly prevent some in the future.

Children that are not following the diet for children with ADD, often have a difficult time focusing, this lack of focus would increase by infusing sugar into their diet. In the first two weeks of the diet for children with ADD, you should cut ALL sugar from the daily foods consumed. These are junk foods, chocolate, fruit juices since they contain vast amounts of sugar, absolutely NO NutraSweet at all. Avoid processed meats on the diet for children with ADD, they have MSG. Aim for the meats that list the ‘meat and water’ only for the diet for children with ADD. The amount of fried foods in the first two weeks of the diet for children with ADD should be cut back to maybe being 10% of your food.

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Dairy foods are out during the first stage of the diet for children with ADD, and no yellow foods. Those being squash, bananas can be eaten because they are white, but the peel is yellow, discard it. Whenever possible, you should attempt to avoid any food colorings while following the diet for children with ADD. During the later stages of the diet for children with ADD, you may introduce some of them back into the diet, to see which ones effect your child negatively, but for now, cut them from the diet for children with ADD.

Basically, the healthiest option is the basics of food preparation and following the diet for children with ADD. Simply try for the foods that God made, as naturally as possible. The over all health benefits of the diet for children with ADD drastically outweigh the loss of the convenience of fast foods. Not only will you be helping your child to regulate his or her life by following the diet for children with ADD, but also you will be changing your family’s eating habits to a healthier lifestyle. Simple, basic, home cooked recipes may be the key to your own diet for children with ADD, and the key to giving your child the gift of excellent health again.