Karla News

Delta Song: Delta Airlines

Motion Sickness

Even thou Delta Song has now since merged with the master Delta Airline company, this author has had the unfortunate pleasure of traveling on a Delta Song airline when it was operation. The experience from the flight itself left such a bad aftertaste in the mouth, that whenever flying has been needed, this author looks for another airline. Not Delta. Not anything Delta.

On a simple 30 to 40 minute journey from Orlando International Airport to Ft. Lauderdale International Airport, Delta Song had been this author’s choice of transportation. There were many mixed reviews from the Internet and word of mouth, so there was nothing to do, but try it and see how this author’s experience was. The airplane was much smaller than the normal Delta planes, so there was the impression of a smaller area with few seats and perhaps, more comfort. Sadly, there was no comfort and more seats were crammed into the plane that this author thought possible. As boarding the plane, there was a thought of maybe it would have been better to take the Amtrack train line back to the Ft. Lauderdale.

Sadly, when traveling, many people can experience motion sickness. This author included, but there have not been many times that it is caused by flying, once the plane has climbed to its correct height in the air. Normally, even if motion sickness is experienced, there are drinks and a snack given out on the plane, so the sickness can controlled and is not noticeable on the flight. On this particular flight, the passengers were informed that no food was to be served. Which was understandable. It was only for half an hour or so. But sodas or water would be given out. Once onboard, the stewardess was asked when drinks would be given out. She informed the passengers there were no drinks to be passed out, even thou the ticket said so as did the employee at the check-in desk. When informed of this, this author took out her own soda. Then was informed by the stewardess that the soda needed to be put away or thrown out. It could not be drunk onboard the plane if it was not provided by Delta. It was explained to the stewardess about this author’s motion sickness condition, but amazingly, she ignored the explanation and very rudely repeated her request. Even thou it left like a command and one that came from a textbook. Wanting no problems or police waiting when the plane landed, the soda went away and 40 minutes of hell began. The entire flight was spent with this author’s head back against the seat, praying for the plane to just land. The motion sickness had kicked in like a stampede.

See also  How to Cure Motion Sickness

Adding insult to injury, the gentleman sitting beside this author on the plane had his coat draped over her chair and kept pushing his briefcase into her legs, so he could have more leg room. When the briefcase was pushed back, he gave the dirtiest look like it was a crime to take away his leg room. There was the knowledge that if this author opened her mouth to argue with him, she would have thrown up on him. Perhaps that was what was needed. Maybe he would have kept his things on his side and respected another person’s comfort. But more and more, it is seen that some people have no cares for anyone but themselves.

This author has traveled some very cheap and very terrible airlines in the past, but even with all of their problems, they served a drink to their passengers. So, the question has to come up. Why can’t a multi-billion dollar airline do the same thing? Yes, it’s a smaller plane and a shorter ride, but it’s the same company. And its 30 minutes spend in a confined area where motion sickness can be experienced. So, once the plane was on solid ground, this author was the first to get off of it. But not before kicking the gentleman’s briefcase which had been jammed into her legs again. Childish, maybe, but it certainly helped in the way of making up for the terrible trip. And when asked about the beverage and about the claims to serve one on the ticket, the supervisor gave the standard ‘˜I’m sorry’. The excuse was old before they even started to say it. It has no meaning anymore.

See also  How to Curb Your Dog's Motion Sickness

Even thou this particular branch of Delta is no longer around or as its own airline, there is no feeling of ever wanting to repeat such a terrible experience. Yes, millions fly Delta, but this author will never again.