Karla News

Curves Boring Workout for Women

Resistance Bands

I took advantage of a free week at Curves for Women. I do have a home gym, with a weight bench, treadmill, exercise bike. box type stepper, stepper with resistance bands, ball, a full selection of weights, yoga mat and video, aerobics videos, and a table tennis table. I also use the community heated pool to swim most days.

I had a couple of friends that told me that they love Curves for Women. When I asked why, they told me that it was easy to do, and it only took 30 minutes.

When I arrived I had to fill out a medical form, which is compulsory. I was asked what kind of exercise, if any I did, and I replied as to the above. She seems surprised.

The lady took my measurements, then weighed me, and checked my body fat percentage.

I then placed my belongings in a little area, and was ready to begin. We went to the first machine, and she showed me what to do. There was music in the background, and then a voice told me to go to the next station. We stayed at that one, and I worked out the same as she had.

From here I went to a platform, and she showed me the next exercise. I did this after her, and continued on, until I had completed the circle of 8 exercises.

The platforms between the machines had hula-hoops, weights, etc., so that I had something to do for the 30 seconds between each machine.

She told me to do 3 circuits. I found this extremely easy, and when I was at the platform, between the machines, I danced to the music. Dancing is my passion, and I go 3 times a week. I didn’t want to jog or walk, because I can do that when I am out.

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After I had finished my 3 times of using the machines, with my 30 seconds dance between, I spoke again to the lady. She informed me that I had worked every piece of my body. I knew that I had been lifting, pushing, and pulling, so figured that I could have done this with my resistance bands. I have 5 different strengths of them.

The total time for doing this should be 24 minutes, so then she had me go to the back of the room to do some stretching, to complete the 30 minute workout.

She brought me back to the front of the store, and then tried to sell me a package. The fee for joining was $39, but if I took a friend, we could both join for free. The monthly fee would be $39. She really tried to sign me up, and tended to be a little pushy. I told her that I would be back, as I had 6 more days of my free trial.

She did offer me other ways of getting no fee, but paying more per month, and I still didn’t go for it. Finally she got the message.

In the 30 minutes workout I didn’t sweat, get warm, or out of breath. When I do 30 minutes aerobics. the sweat is pouring off of me, and I know that I have worked hard. It’s even better when I do a 60 minute one. I have tried Shapes, and Lady of America. If I plan on joining I would rather pick one of these. They have more machines, and options to choose from.

I think Curves is suitable for women who haven’t done any exercise, or a limited amount. People that are overweight will loose weight with any kind of exercise. I personally found it to be boring.