Karla News

Create Lavender Scented Air Fresheners for Home Use

Winter Crafts

I don’t know about you, but I love scented linens. However, I refuse to use scented dryer sheets. I find them a waste of money and annoying. What I like to use instead are homemade lavender bundles. Unlike scented dryer sheets, homemade lavender bundles are all natural. Hence, you don’t have to worry about chemicals irritating your skin. The bundles are also simple to make and a lot prettier to look at. Here is how to do it:

Supplies Needed

In order to make the lavender bundles, you will need natural raffia, 25 pieces of fresh lavender (stems attached), and 6 feet of double-sided craft ribbon. You may opt to use any size craft ribbon that you like. Personally, I tend to go with a 1/8 inch ribbon, a 3/16 inch ribbon, or a ¼ inch ribbon. I wouldn’t recommend using a ribbon much larger than that. Otherwise, your finished lavender bundle will end up looking more like a ribbon bundle than anything else.

Create the Bundle

Once you’ve gathered your supplies in one place, you’ll need to grab the pieces of lavender. Begin by removing all of the leaves. If you don’t remove the leaves, they will just get into your way during the weaving process. Next, place the lavender stems into one bundle. You will also want to line up the flower’s bottom tips with each other, not the stem ends.

Continue by tying the bundle together with a piece of natural raffia. You will want to make the knot right before the flower’s bottom tips. The knot should be secure but not tight enough to break the stems. Continue by carefully bending each lavender stem down toward the upper row of flowers. When you are done, the stems will resemble a dome shape.

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Next, grab your roll of ribbon and cut off a piece that is roughly 6 feet long. Then start at the top of the dome shape and begin weaving the ribbon in between the lavender stems. Keep going until you reach the end of the stems. At that point, you will want to use the remaining ribbon to create a pretty bow. Afterward, your lavender bundle will be ready for use.

Suggested Uses

To use the lavender bundles, simply place them inside your linen cabinet or drawer. Over time, the scent of the fresh lavender will permeate your linens and make them smell wonderful. Once the scent starts to dissipate, all you need to do is gently compress the old lavender bundle to reactivate the remaining oils and replace it will a new one. If you do decide to replace the lavender bundle, don’t toss the old one out. You can always grind it up, add a few drops of essential oil and use it as ground potpourri.

Source: Personal Experience

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