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Create a Good Deeds Jar to Help Your Children Count Down to Advent

Teach your children about the real meaning of Christmas by having them create these good deed jars to count down the days until December 25th.

Give each one of your kids a large, wide-mouthed canning jar, watered down white school glue, and a selection of Christmas themed scraps of tissue paper and wrapping paper. Working with a small section at a time, have each kid paint a small section of the jar with the glue and then decorate the glued section with the scraps of Christmas paper. Continue until the entire jar is decorated. Tie a large ribbon around the top jar.

Cut out 24 strips of paper and help each child write out 24 good deeds. Fold each paper in half and place it in the jar. Each child can make up his or her own good deeds, or use the deeds from the following list:

1. pack up any too-small clothing to give to charity

2. rake the neighbor’s leaves or shovel their snow

3. purchase a can of food to give to a local food bank

4. help Mom with her chores

5. give a dollar when the collection plate at church is passed

6. arrange to stay after school for 30 minutes to help your teacher

7. write a Christmas letter to a soldier who is overseas

8. make a Christmas card for the mail carrier and bring it to him/her when the mail is delivered

9. clean your room without being asked to

10. buy a toy to donate to toys for tots

11. call up grandparents just to say hello

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12. pick up litter at the local park

13. make Christmas cards to send to a local nursing home

14. spend extra time playing with your pet

15. write a thank you note to someone who has done something nice for you lately

16. bring a small bag of candy, such as Hershey Kisses, to give to the people who help you every day-crossing guards, bus drivers, teachers, librarians, etc…

17. spend time playing with a younger child

18. ask an elderly neighbor if they need help with anything

19. give a hug to everyone in your family

20. deliver a small package of homemade cookies or candy to the neighbors

21. do all the dishes after dinner

22. say a prayer for people you know who are sick or hurting

23. take out all the trash in the house

24. bring your dad a cup of hot chocolate or tea when he comes in from working outside

Beginning on December 1st, each child can draw one paper out of his or her jar. Each child has until dinnertime to complete the good deed. Have your children share their good deed adventures at the dinner table.

To make the good deed jar a little sweeter, on Christmas Eve, have Santa fill the empty jar with candy or cookies as a surprise reward.