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Colloidal Silver for Dogs

Animal Bites, Colloidal Silver, Eye Infections

In many households, dogs are just another part of our beloved families. When a family member falls ill, it becomes top priority to help them recover as quickly as possible. Just like toddlers, our canine kiddos are more prone to injuries and infections due to their curious and care free nature. So wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to run to the vet every time fido gets a boo-boo? Homemade colloidal silver has saved my own family time, money and kept our pooches infection free.

In a household of four large and snoopy pups, we’ve seen our fair share of pop up infections. From wounds to simple viruses, a veterinary visit is not always necessary. Having used homemade colloidal silver for our own minor infections, we thought to try it on our dogs. So far, the results have been amazing.

Animal Bites

The first time we put colloidal silver to the test was after playtime went too far. Two of our dogs got into a scrap and incidentally suffered battle scars, one of which was a nasty bite on the top of our Blue Heeler’s head. Due to the amount of bacteria in a dog’s mouth, the wound quickly became infected. Anti-bacterial soap and peroxide helped, but did not clear up the pus-filled infection. We started to douse the wound with cups full of colloidal silver water and within hours, the wound started to dry up. We repeatedly rinsed the wound with nothing but colloidal silver, several times daily. By day three, the infection completely cleared.

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Other Infections

If treated quickly, colloidal silver can clear up most minor infections. If the wound is open and showing signs of infection, thoroughly clean the area with warm water and an antibacterial soap. For larger wounds, pure colloidal silver water can be poured directly over the wound 2-3 times a day until the infection clears. For smaller punctures, take a colloidal silver soaked cotton ball and gently squeeze and massage liquid into infected area. Most infections clear up in 1-3 days. If symptoms persist, discontinue use and consult a vet.

Upset Stomach

Sometimes, we can never be too sure what our silly pups decide to devour. At first signs of stomach upset (typically vomiting, diarrhea or loss of appetite,) pour a small amount of homemade colloidal silver in glass bowl for dog to drink. You may also add 1/3 cup of colloidal silver water to dog’s regular drinking water, only if the bowl is glass or ceramic. Discard water if not consumed within a few hours. Consumption is only advised in moderation, do not repeat daily.

Dental Health

Along with regular dental care, colloidal silver can help lessen the chances of gum infections in dogs. About every two weeks, dip the dog’s tooth brush in a small glass of colloidal silver and brush dog’s teeth and gums, thoroughly.

Cloudy Eyes and Other Eye Infections

More often observed in older dogs, nuclear sclerosis is a type of cataracts that causes a bluish cloudiness of the eye lens. Two of our older dogs developed this cloudiness. Although a glass eye dropper is easier, a shot glass can be used to flush the eyes as well. Put 1-2 drops in each eye, twice a day. The cloudiness from both of our dogs’ eyes disappeared within 3 days and has yet to return. Discontinue use if no improvement after 3 days. This same method can be used for eye infections and styes.

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As with human consumption of colloidal silver, only moderate use is recommended for dogs. Use colloidal silver at first sign of infection and discontinue use if symptoms persist. These methods have worked for our dogs for many years. We have since had blood work done on our pets and they have all been given excellent bills of health.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is for information purposes only. It is not intended to treat or replace the advice of a licensed veterinarian.

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