Karla News

Colgate Toothpaste Contains Deadly Chemical

Colgate, Colgate Toothpaste

Colgate toothpaste has surfaced again this time in the Chicago area, the toothpaste has deadly chemicals in it that contains ‘DYTHELENE GLYCOL” which have been know to be used in Antifreeze, and is harmful to humans, it can cause kidney and liver failure and even death. If you have this toothpaste in your home you should throw it out along with the toothbrush. You should check the box, and if you see that it is “made in China or from South Africa” this is tainted toothpaste that should not be used. Normally when I go to buy toothpaste I look for the best price, and which ever brand has the best price that’s the one I will buy, and I ‘m sure that is what most consumers do as well. Since this happen I have witched to Crest because I have not heard anything bad about it yet.

That way I won’t have to worry to much, because like me, and a lot of others, consumers are not looking at the labels to see if it’s from China or South Africa. Of all the years Colgate has been on the market, consumers have just trusted that Colgate was a great toothpaste but , from now on consumers should read the labels to make sure they are not purchasing Colgate from “China or South Africa”, because now we can’t trust the fact that all of these products have been removed from the shelves in the stores. I still like Colgate over crest because I think it’s a better brand of toothpaste and it cleans and whitening your teeth better than Crest.

See also  Colgate Total Toothpaste - Product Review

I’m sure the sells will go down on “Colgate “now that this news is out, no one has time to read any labels when you go to the drug store to buy toothpaste, so you should think about which other brand you like and purchase. This is to time consuming to have to read the labels. I hope they find the source and put a stop to this before someone who doesn’t know about this just go to the store and grab a box of toothpaste because they are in a hurry, or someone husband go to the store for his wife and just grab it off the shelve without even reading the label and bring it home to his family, because as I said this product can cause great harm to a consumer if you’re not aware of what’s in it. I think we better take a closer look at the products” made in China or from South Africa” because there could be others on the market that we don ‘t even know about. This also raise an eyebrow about the food we eat at Chinese Restaurants “what’s really in it” do we really know? Sometimes when I order Pepper Steak I often wonder if the meat is really steak, because to me it really doesn’t tastes like steak, I know they use a lot of soy sauce, that’s kind of like salt, they know how to make the dish taste good so you don’t know what you’re actually eating, now things like shrimp, and lobster, broccoli, chicken, and rice, you already know what kind of food that is, some dishes is not so easy all you know is that it is good. And that the soy sauce will give a lot of flavor to the meal, and makes the steak taste better, so you really can’t tell if you’re eating steak or not. I think we need to start asking, what are they really putting in our food, and this toothpaste thing that just came up is a prime example, and not to mention it’s “South Africa” products. ” Again we really can’t be sure of what they’re using in our products. This should be an eye opener for America ,we need to get strict on where our products are coming from, and what is being added to it. I think for something like the tainted toothpaste we have to take a closer look, we have enough going on without having to worry about our toothpaste and food.