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Clover Valley Cookies from Dollar General

Dollar General, Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scouts

Many people look forward to Girl Scout cookies year after year. The great taste has not changed over the years, but the prices and quantities certainly have. I would rather give a donation to the Girl Scouts and buy similar cookies from Dollar General while saving money in the process. Clover Valley Mint Thin, Fudge Caramel Coconut, and Fudge Peanut Butter cookies are very close if not identical to popular varieties sold by the Girl Scouts. Read on to find out more about Clover Valley cookies from Dollar General, and enjoy some of your favorite cookies all year long – and for a whole lot less.

Grossly Overpriced Sweets in Oversized Boxes

Decades ago it was possible to buy Girl Scout cookies at an affordable price. Just about any family could afford them, but the prices of their products have inflated much faster than our failing economy. The profits per box is still pathetically low for local Girl Scouts. According to GirlScouts.org, locally they only receive between 10 and 20 percent of the cost of each box of cookies. Do the math. If the cookies are $3.50 a box, they might only gain thirty-five cents.

To add insult to injury, the company that makes these cookies has been insulting the intelligence of consumers for years by continually lowering the amounts of products in the packages while raising the prices. Prices are going to go up, but people know these sales schemes. After all, when a box is only half full or when products have shrunk, people realize it. Consumers are more intelligent than companies realize, but they still make these insolent and ridiculous changes to avoid declining profits. Why else would they partially fill boxes? Interior packaging does not settle.

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The company that manufactures Girl Scout cookies is still counting on kind and generous people to continue reaching into their wallets as they have for decades, and all in an effort to help. It is the donation that counts, but many well-meaning people can no longer afford them no matter how much they would like to make a donation through a purchase. Some people have discovered Clover Valley from Dollar General instead.

Discovering Clover Valley Cookies from Dollar General

Would you like to enjoy cookies that are similar and possibly identical to those sold by the Girl Scouts? Visit Dollar General, and look for the Clover Valley Brand. This is the brand name affiliated with Dollar General, and they are phenomenal in every way. Clover Valley brand is currently only $1.95 per box in northwest Indiana and they taste and look like those sold by the Girl Scouts.

I will help the Girl Scouts, but I will never buy their cookies again. I would rather buy Clover Valley cookies from Dollar General and give more to the Girl Scouts than they would receive from my meager cookie purchases. They should forego tradition and try something new to earn money for their cause. If prices keep going up, and the contents continue to dwindle, they will have no other choice.

Give a Generous Donation to Your Local Girl Scouts Instead

Save yourself a considerable amount of money, and give the Girl Scouts a blanket donation instead of buying their cookies. Buy Clover Valley cookies from Dollar General instead. In the end, the Girl Scouts will come out ahead, and you will have the cookies you want for less than they were many, many years ago.

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Sources: GirlScouts.org

Personal Experience with Clover Valley Products