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Classic Audio Poems About Dreams, Sleep

Edgar Allan Poe, Famous Poems, William Wordsworth

Sleep and dream poems cast cobwebs of moonlight over us. Some yearn for sleep, others get lost in a dream, yet other poems speak of daydreams and wishes. And so, this collection of audio poems is as varied as our dreams themselves. Relive the restlessness of a sleepless night, or the ache of waking from a perfect dream. And dwell in the dream world of the poets for a while, as inspiration weaves a daydream around you. The audio poems are ready to enchant. No download is necessary. Simply click and lose yourself in a dream.

Sleep and Dreams Poems: A Dream Within a Dream

A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe is an enchanting poem, as Poe poems always are. And as with many of Poe’s poems, the enchantment is Macabre. But in this tribute to imagination and the inner-world, Edgar Allan Poe speaks of the richness of our true existence, the dream within the dream. This is an audio poem for writers and artists or people who take time to pause, think and feel. So share it with your thoughtful friends, who savor the enchantment of the world of imagination and dreams. There is no need to download this charming audio poem. Simply click and listen to Edgar Allan Poe’s poem, A Dream within a Dream .

Sleep and Dreams Poems: Dreams

Dreams by Anne Bronte is a sad poem. For Anne Bronte died very young, and much of her young life was spent in dreaming dreams that would never have time to come true. This sad audio poem speaks of the dreams a young woman is likely to have, and of the deep loneliness that follows when the dream departs. The dream is a dream of motherhood: The love that an infant feels for his mother, and the protective cherishing the mother feels in turn. Indeed, the dreams that Anne Bronte dreamt two centuries ago are still the dreams young women dream today; such is the common thread of humanity that surpasses time. There is no need to download this haunting audio poem. Simply click and listen to Anne Bronte’s loneliness poem , Dreams.

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Sleep and Dreams Poems: To Sleep

To Sleep by John Keats is a magical tribute to slumber, the embalmer of evil thoughts and dark days. For it is sleep that helps us escape from the mad pace of our lives, that sweeps us away on a carpet of moonlight to different settings and places, to worlds of our own imaginings with other cares than those that haunt us by day. So dive into the cobwebs of slumber with this famous classic poem from John Keats and lose yourself in sleep. There is no need to download this audio poem. Simply close your eyes, click and listen to this famous Keats poem, To Sleep.

Sleep and Dreams Poems: To Sleep

To Sleep by William Wordsworth is a beautiful insomnia poem that makes love to Sleep, as if she were a woman. Speaking of lying awake in bed, night after night, the poet wills sleep to come by counting sheep or listening to the wind, yet all to no avail, for sleep has deserted him. As it has deserted each of us at one time or another. Indeed, if you have known sleepless nights, or if you are lying awake at this very moment, you will love the wisdom of this audio poem by William Wordsworth, you will understand that desperate longing for illusive sleep. There is no need to download this poem audio. Simply click and listen to William Wordsworth’s mesmerizing audio poem, ToSleep.

Sleep and Dreams Poems: A Dream

A Dream, by Edgar Allan Poe is a wistful poem. And as with all Poe poems that set a magical pace, this audio poem has a rhythm that enchants with rhyme and melody. Like a faded memory, the poem weaves a misty vision of a lost dream that is brighter with its subdued, imagined glow, than the glaring light of day. For in dreams the truth lies, and imagination, and the realm of the undiscovered. Listen to this beautiful Edgar Allan Poe poem to experience this great American poet for yourself. There is no need to download the audio poem. Simply click and listen to Edgar Allan Poe’s poem enchanting poem, A Dream.

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Sleep and Dreams Poems: I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud

I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth is best known as The Daffodils Poem. One of Wordsworth’s most famous poems, this beautiful audio poem speaks of a moment of inspiration, when the poet encounters a magical scene, as if straight from a fairy tale dream. And in this exquisite moment, all the world is dancing and beautiful. Such a dream remains in the poet’s mind, to keep him company in moments of pensive relaxation. Listen and smile with The Daffodils Poem, this delightful, rhyming inspirational poem. There is no need to download the audio poem. Simply click this hyperlink, close your eyes, and let the magic carry you to that dream-scene by the shimmering lake.