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Chromotherapy 101: Color Therapy for Beginners

Chromotherapy, Color Therapy, Green Works

Wikipedia says: “Chromotherapy, sometimes called color therapy or colorology, is an alternative medicine method. It is claimed that a therapist trained in chromotherapy can use color and light to balance energy wherever our bodies are lacking, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental.” Also, according to Magick Whispers (www.magick-whispers.com), to use color therapy means, “To heal by using certain colors to treat certain illnesses and diseases.” Here you will learn the basics of color therapy and the illnesses and ailments each color can treat.

It’s easy to remember the order of the colors. First of all, they’re the colors associated with the Chakras, starting at Number One, the root Chakra at the base of your spine. They’re also the order of the colors of the rainbow.

1. Red.

The root Chakra is red. This is the color to wear, visualize, and surround yourself with if you feel ungrounded, depressed, or like you lack energy. For physical symptoms, you can use red for bladder infections, colds, back pain, trouble with the legs or feet, and low blood pressure. It also improves impotence, poor circulation, and shock.

2. Orange.

The sacral Chakra is orange. If you feel repressed or inhibited in any way, or you don’t have sufficient energy, the color orange can help improve your feelings. It also works on allergies, skin problems, constipation, spasms, cramps, and kidney problems. Interestingly, therapeutic use of the color orange can also improve lactation for nursing mothers with milk supply issues.

3. Yellow.

The solar plexus is yellow. Use yellow for depression, nervous disorders, and dispelling fears. On a physical level, yellow is good for breathing problems, exhaustion, liver problems, gallstones, muscle cramps, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, and hypothyroidism. It also improves food allergies, gas, and digestive disorders. Yellow is beneficial in building strong bones as well.

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4. Green.

The heart Chakra is green. Accordingly, green is the color to use for heart and lung problems, high blood pressure, breathing difficulty, compromised immune system, and fatigue. On an emotional level, green works to harmonize all levels of being, improve loneliness, reduce negativity and tension, soothe the nerves and spirit, and reduce anger and paranoia. Green promotes emotional stability, calms fear of death, and prevents insomnia.

5. Blue.

Blue is the color of the throat Chakra. As a result, include blue in your color therapy if you have a sore throat, fever, ear infection, inflammation, burn, or other skin irritation. Blue also eases over tiredness, mental exhaustion, and violent or hyperactive behavior.

6. Indigo.

The third eye Chakra is indigo. Visualize, wear, and locate indigo-colored things if you experience any of these physical symptoms: diarrhea, intestinal irritation, infections in the ears, eyes, or nose, and pain of any kind. On emotional and mental levels, indigo promotes inspiration, reduces psychic exhaustion, and releases negative thought and behavior patterns.

7. Violet.

The crown Chakra is the seventh Chakra and promotes our connection to the divine. Its associated color is violet, and you can use it to treat many things. These include, but are not limited to depression, migraines, baldness, dandruff, and neurotic behavior. If another color doesn’t work or isn’t strong enough, violet can be used. It should also be used instead of red for high-strung people.

There are schools with extensive training courses in Chromotherapy. But you can use these basics to be aware of how colors effect you and what to do if you’re sick, tired, lacking energy, or ill in any way.

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