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Celebrate the Summer Olympics with Your Kids: Easy Ways to Participate at Home

Boredom Busters, Homemade Games, Summer Boredom

Are you planning on watching the Olympic games this summer? Why not make this event a part of your family activities with easy and inexpensive projects to make and do at home? Introduce your kids to the idea of people from many countries all over the world gathering to compete and have fun. Invite neighborhood friends and family members to participate in your own Olympics party. So, let’s get started!

In order to officially start the Olympics, a small torch that has been carried by runners from Greece to the Olympic destination lights the large torch at the stadium. Let’s begin with this simple craft where the kids can make their own Olympic torches.

  • Wrap cardboard paper towel tubes with aluminum foil or construction paper.
  • Cut strips of yellow and orange tissue paper and stuff these into the top of the tube for flames. You may want to add a little glue to keep the flames in place.

Next, play marching music and let the children parade around the room. You may want to include a small American flag for the leader to hold. After the march, sing this song together to the tune of “The Mulberry Bush.”

Let’s have fun, let’s run and jump,

Run and jump, run and jump.

Let’s have fun, let’s run and jump,

At our Olympics party!

All Kinds of Games

  • Visit the track – set up an area outdoors where the kids can participate in races. Think about a crawling race, running backwards or any form of relay race. With young children, make these races a “no-lose” situation where everyone is a winner. Metals will be handed out to all competitors at the closing ceremony.
  • Throwing games – hang a bell from a tree or clothesline. Invite the kids to throw beanbags or soft balls at the bell to make it ring. Or place a ring on the ground (hula hoop) and use this as a target for throwing.
  • Try some balancing games – set up a board on the floor and see if the kids can walk across using the heel-toe pattern. How about placing a bean bag on the child’s head and let him walk a short distance without it falling off.
  • Dancing ring competition – make rings by cutting out the center of a paper plate. Tie lengths of colorful crepe paper or ribbons to the rim. Invite the kids to hold their dancing rings and move to some music. Encourage them to twirl and twist their rings as they dance.
  • Water games are fun – here are a few fun and wet games:
See also  Hilarious, Homemade Games that Will Make Your Next Bachelorette Party a Blast!

-Squirt a specified object using a squirt bottle.

-Jump over a sprinkler.

-Conduct a relay race where the players move water from one bucket to the next using a spoon.

At the end of your party, march to some music for the closing ceremony. Make medals by cutting large circles from cardboard. Wrap these with gold or silver foil (found in craft stores). Staple the medals to a length of ribbon to make a necklace. Present medals to each child for participating in the games. Pass out the children’s torches to take home as well.

What a memorable party, now to think of ideas for the upcoming winter Olympics! Remember to save your recyclables – it’s the easiest way to make crafts for your next party.

Source: personal experience

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