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Causes and Treatment of Gas Pain


The subject of gas in an uncomfortable one. It’s an unpleasant and embarrassing subject that most people avoid. However, that is precisely the reason why gas pain is not always recognized for what it is. Many people don’t know what gas pain feels like because it is not often discussed.

The symptoms of gas pain (which will be explained later) can be extremely uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful. Gas can be expelled by either flatulence or belching, neither of which is an attractive option. If large amounts of air have been swallowed, a person will feel the need to belch. However, if the gas is trapped in the colon or small bowel, they will feel the need to pass gas through flatulence. Because we are not always in a place where we can expel the excess gas, it can increase and become even more uncomfortable.

Before we begin to discuss the causes and treatment of gas pain, let’s first examine the symptoms. The most common symptoms of excess gas and gas pain include:

– Belching (either voluntary or involuntary)

– Flatulence (either voluntary or involuntary)

– Abdominal bloating and distention

Abdominal pain and pressure

– Feeling of heaviness, or a knotted sensation in the stomach

– Sharp jabbing pain in the stomach area (sometimes extending in other areas of the body)

Depending on the severity of the gas, you may not feel all of the symptoms above. Regardless, dealing with gas pain and pressure is uncomfortable, and people that suffer from it will want immediate relief. But first, let’s look at some common causes of gas pain. Many people are surprised to learn that certain behaviors can gas pain just as much as food.

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The following is a list of foods that are notorious gas triggers:

Beans and legumes such as baked beans, dried beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, peas, lentils, etc.

– Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onions, radishes, cucumber, radishes, and Sauerkraut.

– Fruits such as apples, raisins, prunes, and bananas.

Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, and ice cream.

– Low-carb or sugar free foods that include sorbitol, mannitol, or maltitol.

Whole grain foods such as breads and cereals that made of wheat, or eating large amounts of wheat based products.

The following is a list of behaviors that can cause excess gas:

– Smoking

Drinking through a straw or sports bottle

– Overeating

– Talking while eating

– Eating under stress, or when in a hurry

Chewing gum or eating hard candy

Learning which factors contribute to your gas pain, will make it much easier to manage. By eliminating gas causing foods, and behavior, you may not need to take any additional steps in the treatment of gas pain. However, there are other options to consider as well.

There are many over the counter medications that work well in the treatment of gas pain. These medication contain Simethicone, which is a foaming agent that works in conjunction with the gas bubbles, making it easy to dispel. Some of the name brands of these medicines include Phazyme, Mylicon, and Gas-X. Generic versions are also available and work just as well.

Herbal remedies can also positively work in the treatment of gas pain. Adding a drop of peppermint extract to hot tea or water is a popular herbal remedy, as it works to relax the intestines and make it easier for the gas to escape. Ginger and chamomile teas, when consumed immediately after a meal, are also effective remedies in gas pain.

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Other treatment options in relieving gas pain include:

– Eating smaller, more frequent meals

– Slowing down the pace at meal time

– Drinking beverages at, or above, room temperature

– Remain physically active during the day

– Take a light stroll after eating

– Maintain good posture at meal time

– Increase your water intake, as it will aide in digestion.



Once you get a handle on the causes of gas pain, it will become much easier to manage. Pay close attention to your food intake, and take notes on your activity. By learning how to get rid of gas pain, you’ll enjoy a fuller, healthier lifestyle.

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