Articles for category: TRAVEL

Karla News

Evergreen Aviation Museum, Home of the Spruce Goose

For anyone that is an aviation buff, the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon is a must see. The collection is not as extensive as some museums, but it is varied and interesting. And it has something that no other museum in the world has. Evergreen Aviation Museum is home to the famous H-4 (HK-1) ...

Karla News

Topless Drive-Thru Coffee Stands: Washington State’s Newest Attraction?

For the coffee nut, nothing beats a conveniently located, reasonably-priced, drive-thru coffee stand. Except, of course, one staffed with topless baristas. The residents of Washington State know all too well that nothing brightens a morning commute like a great cup of coffee, delivered by a really hot, bikini-clad barista. Since the introduction of the topless ...

Karla News

Top 5 Luxury Resorts in South Florida

Florida beckons travelers to white sandy beaches, and attractions year around. The coastal peninsula is a prime destination for winter travelers who are experiencing cabin fever and in search of warm rays of sunshine. Relaxing in the lap of luxury is at the top of the “to do list” for many visitors. Researching the particular ...

Karla News

Kentucky Welcomes ATV Riders

All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) or Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) riders aren’t always welcome where they wander. These parks In Kentucky, however, are specifically designed for ATV riders and offer opportunities to ride and enjoy the scenery and challenges of varied terrain. Many families make an ATV riding trip their annual vacation, camping out in parks ...

Karla News

How to Catch Dungeness Crab

Like a lot of west coast natives, I was taught how to catch Dungeness crab almost as soon as I could hold a rope. In those days, Dungeness crab was an abundant species in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. It required very little time and almost no skill to catch a limit of ...

Karla News

Review: Aqua Night Club in Key West, Florida

My husband and I were recently in Key West for the Fantasy Fest week and decided to take in a drag show. We had walked up and down Duvall Street, the main street in Key West that goes from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic and this was the only show where the show ...

Karla News

How to Learn Thai Online

Even though I’ve spent more than five years learning Thai, I still like to brush up on my Thai language skills wherever possible. A great way to improve your Thai or to even begin to learn Thai is to use some of the best learning Thai language websites out there. If you’re trying to improve ...

Karla News

Father’s Day in Thailand – a Day for Great Celebration

December 5th is Father’s Day in Thailand. This is the day the present King of Thailand was born and, as the Thais think of him as the ‘Father of the Nation’, it’s appropriate to celebrate all fathers on this day. King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great was born on Monday, December 5th, 1927 in the USA. ...

Karla News

A Guide to Dog Parks in Colorado Springs

Anyone who is a dog person…that would be a person who is owned by a dog…wants what is best for said dog. That means letting the dog run and play with other dogs. Socializing. Sniffing out stuff you and I would never want to sniff. Just as one would do with one’s kids, only without ...