Articles for category: Science

Karla News

Nothing but the Facts About Edwin Hubble

Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953) was an astronomer whose observations have revolutionized astronomy. His studies of galaxies in the universe besides our own led him to conclude that our universe was expanding outwards. It must have come from a central point of origin, and that something must have caused that expansion to begin with, giving birth ...

Karla News

Global Warming’s Impact on Plant and Animal Life

When most people hear the phrase ‘global climate change,’ they think of glaciers melting and ocean levels rising enough to cover the entire Florida peninsula. Because it is believed that most recent climate changes have been driven by man-made causes, climate change has unfortunately become a political issue. Now many people view climate change as ...

Karla News

Weather Control – the New Conspiracy

The latest conspiracy theory isn’t whether Jesus had a girlfriend or whether JFK was murdered by the mob. No, the latest seems to involve weather control and boy, is it popular. That’s right-if you believe the conspiracy theorists, the weather is not only out of our hands, but in the hands of someone else. Did ...

Karla News

Interesting Facts About Embalming

I know most people do not really want to talk about death and dying or what happens when someone dies, but have you ever wondered about embalming? Maybe you were afraid to ask. Well, if you really want to know what embalming is, if it is required by law, and what about the cost, read ...

Karla News

Stoichiometry: Going from Grams to Grams

The grams to grams formula can be used for one thing: finding the number of grams of a different substance by using the grams you have given. We know this formula will do that because stoichiometry uses the laws of conservation of mass, definite proportions, and multiple proportions. Basically this all means that element A ...

Karla News

A Brief History of Intelligence Testing

The first person in the western world to attempt to measure intelligence was a man by the name of Francis Galton, who made his attempt in the late 1800s. Galton attempted to measure intelligence by measuring reaction times, head size, visual acuity, and color sense (Romero, Kemp, 2007). While now we know that these things ...

Karla News

Introduction to Hydrosphere Pollution

Water pollution is a major issue at challenge that is affecting the world. It has done so much destruction to the lives of humans, plants, animals, and the environment. Even though many have died from water pollution, a lot of people still don’t see a cause in trying to help fight the pollution. Only environmentalists ...