Articles for category: Politics

Karla News

The Closest Senate Races 2012

Going into the 2012 elections, the Democrats hold 51 seats in the senate, the Republicans have 47 and there are two independents (Lieberman and Sanders) both of whom caucus with the Democrats. In 2012, there are 33 senate races. 23 of these are seats held by Democrats (including their caucus-mates) and 10 by Republicans. It ...

Karla News

Geraldine Ferraro’s “White Man” Quote About Obama

It’s official; the democrats are not going to take back the white house. The party continues to divide itself as Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama Fight to be the democratic presidential nominee. Politicians in Washington continue to divide the party, with some supporting Barack, while the others support Hilary. Who’s the latest politician to divide ...

Karla News

The Anchor Baby Debate

The most recent conflict on immigration reform is one concerning what are referred to as anchor babies, those children born to parents here illegally who then are accorded citizenship based on an interpretation, however discombobulated, of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. Statistics indicate that about 1 in 12 births in the US yearly ...

Karla News

A Brief History of ‘Rock the Vote’

In 1992 alone, Rock the Vote was responsible for influencing many of the two million newly registered voters. How did this influence group tear young people away from their stereotypical headphones and involve them in politics? Rock the Vote still has the answer today: “(It)…engages youth in the political process by incorporating the entertainment community ...

Karla News

Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice President of the United States

On the official website of the United States Senate, the Office of the Vice President of the United States is described as “…the least understood, most ridiculed, and most often ignored constitutional office in the federal government…” With only two constitutional duties, it’s easy to see why the office is misunderstood, but the day to ...

Karla News

Presidential Race 2016

It is, perhaps, regrettable that the race for president begins almost before the previous race is over. But, regrettable or not, it is a fact that it does. Long before candidates announce, they are putting together teams of advisers and considering their options. It’s February, 2013. But the race for the White House is on. ...

Karla News

So Long Limbaugh? Rush’s Ratings Drop Dramatically in Big Markets

COMMENTARY| Rush Limbaugh is known for making controversial comments, but of course that’s probably why he makes the big bucks. In March, when the radio talk show host launched the vicious attack on young female law student, Sandra Fluke, after she had boldly spoken up for women’s rights, calling her a slut and a prostitute, ...

Karla News

Interventionism Vs. Isolationism

International relations sees two typical approaches taken by countries, interventionist or isolationist. There are some countries that, during a certain time period, are involved in everything and quick to get involved and other countries that are the opposite and wish to only keep to themselves and not be involved. These different methods change between countries ...

Karla News

Republican View of Health Care Reform

On March 21, 2010 The House of Representatives voted 219 to 212 to approve the Health Care Reform Bill. Every Republican along with 34 Democrats voted No. According to the Institute of Medicine of the U. S. National Academies, the United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not ensure that all citizens ...