Articles for category: Politics

Karla News

2012 Presidential Race for Dummies

Welcome to the 2012 presidential race for dummies. There’s more happening in 2012 than US citizens watching their clocks on December 21st. But what is this thing called the 2012 presidential race you ask? Why, it is going to be the most important race America has ever seen. Every four years American citizens vote for ...

Karla News

Did Obama Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

The Nobel Peace Prize has always been somewhat of an enigma, when compared to more straightforward Nobel prizes, such as those in medicine and physics. Certainly most winners of Nobel Peace Prize in physics had a pretty good idea that they were in the running, as this prize rewards more tangible achievements. However, the Nobel ...

Karla News

Dummies’ Guide to the U.S. Constitution

Preamble The Preamble of the Constitution answers the question “Why?” The reasons for writing the Constitution are as follows: To make a better country Make sure the country is fair and just Make peace inside the country Provide for a defense from outside attacks Promote the well-being of the people Ensure freedom for the people ...

Karla News

Capitalism: An Economic System

Capitalism is an economic system that began in Europe at the collapse of feudalism around the 16th Century. It was used by the early American settlers prior to the American Revolution. Upon the formation of the United States (1776-1789), Capitalism was the chosen economic system by the Fore Fathers of the United States; primarily because ...

Karla News

Fun Facts About the 2008 Election

Here is a list of 10 fun facts about the 2008 Presidential election. 1) The president of Kenya declared November 5th to be a national holiday in honor of Barack Obama’s election. 2) The most Republican state in the 2008 election was Oklahoma, with 66% for John McCain. The runner-up was Wyoming with 65%. 3) ...

Karla News

The Ideal State: A Look at Plato’s Vision

Plato’s conception of the ideal state is an interesting attempt to sort out citizens into three distinct social classes. In his attempt, his motive for this division of labor can be attributed to a checks and balances system. But before describing the citizens within an ideal state, he describes the overall structure of an ideal ...