Articles for category: Politics

Karla News

An Explanation of Vice Presidential Succession

Americans have never thought to much about vice presidents. Even today their power is nothing compared to that of the president, and in the earliest years of our nation they had little to do at all. The Constitution provides that when a President dies or is removed from office, the Vice President takes over his ...

Karla News

Tigris and Euphrates River Flow

Turkey has been in conflict with Syria and Iraq for quite some time over the Tigris and Euphrates River and who holds the rights to control them. These rivers begin in Turkey, who controls 98% of the water flow. The rivers flow southward towards Syria and Iraq. The Tigris mainly flows from Turkey into Iraq. ...

Karla News

Ronald Reagan: His Legacy of Failures

Reagan, had he lived, would be 100 on Sunday, February 6. Many festivities are planned for celebration, including one to be memorialized by Sarah Palin, who wishes to fall heir to the Republican throne in 2012, but contributions aside, in the balance Reagan’s era can be said to have ushered in problems we are facing ...

Karla News

Oregon Sorority to Marry Arab Prince

In a nationwide first, an entire sorority at an Oregon University is marrying a single Arab prince in a group wedding this august in a posh Emirates 5 star hotel and they intend to return to Oregon to resume their studies as a family. The Arab prince student happens to have diplomatic immunity so no ...

Karla News

Israel’s Parliamentary Democracy

The country of Israel operates under a parliamentary system of government. In a parliamentary system, if no political party wins a majority of seats in the legislature, then the parties negotiate amongst themselves until some combination of them that cumulatively has enough seats for a majority is able to reach an agreement to come together ...

Karla News

Ted Bundy and His Bloody Visit to Colorado

If you ever looked at Ted Bundy, you would not see the serial killer that has haunted the dreams of the family members of his victims. Ted Bundy was a good looking man, athletic, and charming. His boyish looks do not show what was hidden deep in his troubled mind and the girls that were ...

Karla News

Could a Single World Currency Work?

What would be the advantages to having a single global currency? Some say that it would eliminate inflation and make international business transactions smoother. Others propose that a global currency would be impossible to implement due to political and economic differences, or that it would concentrate too much power in the hands of too few ...

Karla News

The Impact of NAFTA on Canada

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was an agreement signed between Canada, United States and Mexico in 1992 and took effect in 1994. The trade agreement’s main goal was to build the largest free trade region across the globe. Thanks to NAFTA, Canada and United States currently exchange nearly $1.5 billion in goods and ...

Karla News

Hu Jintao and China’s Foreign Policy

Hu Jintao became president of the People’s Republic of China in 2003 and has changed many aspects of China’s foreign policy. While his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, had what could be described as a U.S.-centric foreign policy, Hu has expanded the scope of the country’s foreign policy to include more diverse alliances with countries such as ...