Karla News

My Top 5 Political Pins on Pinterest

Gender Gap

The Presidential elections are getting close and we’re starting to see ads on TV, accusations being tossed about on the internet and on all news media. We are being bombarded by factual information and complete fabrications. I don’t know about you but I feel like I’m under informational assault. How do we go about making an informed and responsible decision for how we will vote in November?

My number one pin for the Presidential Elections is, interestingly enough on my “Books Worth Reading” board – http://pinterest.com/pin/69383650480102946/
“Political Self-Righteousness, A Time for Reflection” by Frank Coyle. His book is available on amazon http://amzn.to/S7houZ

Mr. Coyle, an Independent, has written this book to outline the issues and candidates stances, in a way that you can move through important information. He elaborates the facts that you need presented in an impartial fashion that will guide you to your decision.

In attempting to find the best Pins on the election, I found that the Pins are under a myriad of different headings.

The next Pin that I feel is very helpful in stalking information is – titled “Silenced, the Gender Gap in the 2012 elections. http://pinterest.com/pin/30751209926146605/

In the last 3 years, we have seen more GOP attempts to put Women’s issues into the headlines.It is a hot subject on the motives of the party to repeal many of these laws before conducting other important business.

This Pin shows the breakdown of the voices that are acknowledged on Women’s Issues. The voices are male, the issues are female and we’re supposed to believe that these opinions are voiced by the people.
No, they’re the voices of men with women noticably absent. The information goes across the board, “conservative” and “liberal” news sources and this chart shows about 70% of the opinions were from men.
So women are silenced in the process. No wonder we’re confused.

See also  Gender Socialization of Children

For my third Pin, I give you several funny political and news cartoons that you can find on altheadlines.com. The most timely one is the top campaign contributors for Obama and Romney. http://pinterest.com/pin/69383650479993862/. This Pin shows you an obvious comparison list of the types of
contribution funds each candidate has received.

Now if you’ve been following along, I’ve given you “Political Self-Righteousness” which gives you the issues as seen by an independent. Next a view of who’s being quoted by the media on women’s issues. With this Pin you can see for yourself who is going to be the greatest financial influences on the two candidates. Kind of scary, right?

This fourth Pin is one of my favorites – http://pinterest.com/pin/ 218706125625002371/ “Tales of Horror from the Right and the Left”. By depicting the two political parties as arch-villians, this cartoon makes crystal clear what the campaigns have devolved to. As we get closer and closer to election day, instead of hearing how the candidate is going to try and lead our country, we will hear accusations, see finger pointing and have tales of horror from both sides.

Finally the last Pin – http://pinterest.com/pin/84020349269196478/ This map is the breakdown of the country by political leaning. This is the tool that the parties use to plan financial commitments for the campaigns. Some people would conclude that this map is predicting the winner. It might be, but if you notice, during the course of election season it will change.

As with all writings about politics, this offering is my view of what’s happening for the 2012 elections. More and more informaton will be coming down the pipeline and we all need to be mindful of what information we get. Pinterest is a great place to go to see what the latest chatter is. It’s also a way to check in on what both sides are saying.

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Stay informed and vote with the best information you have and try and gathe it in ways that are comfortable to you such as Pinterest and other social networking sites, along with balanced media sources.

Source: Sharon Kinsella
