Articles for category: Pets

Karla News

Tempting Your Finicky Cat

We all know that cats are finicky. Sometimes they just prefer a certain type of food. Other times, they may have a problem like illness, age, or a nutritional deficiency. Sometimes when a cat goes off it’s food, it may stubbornly refuse to eat for a length of time that is unhealthy. In this case, ...

Karla News

All About the Breed: Dalmatian

Also known as the Dalmatinac, Carriage Dog, Coach Dog, English Coat Dog, Spotted Coach Dog, Spotted Dick, Firehouse Dog, Plum Pudding Dog, and simply the Dally, the Dalmatian is an intelligent and loyal breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? ...

Karla News

Red Eye Tetra Fact Sheet

Red Eye Tetra Fact Sheet The “Red Eye Tetra”, “Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae”, has a number of other common names, these include: “Yellowhead Characin”, “Lamp Eye”, “Yellow back Moenkhausia”, “Yellowhead Tetra”, and “Yellow-banded moenkhausia”. The Red Eye Tetra comes from eastern Bolivia, western Brazil, eastern Peru and Paraguay in South America. The maximum length of the Red ...

Karla News

Steps to Avoid Cat Hypothermia

Many people don’t realize that cold weather can be extremely dangerous to furry pets like cats. Think about how you feel after being out in the cold for only a few minutes, even bundled up in your winter coat. You’re probably still cold, and cats are the same way despite their furry coat. If you ...

Karla News

Summertime Fleas: Getting Rid of Them!

You may think that calling your vet for some flea medicine and applying it to your animal is going to make these pesky little bugs simply disappear. Sadly, that is wrong. Once you have fleas in your home, it can take a year or longer (yikes!) for you to completely get rid of the tiny ...

Karla News

Tips for Litter Box Training Kittens

Litter box training your new kitten is easy to do when done properly. Follow these simple tips to have your kitten litter box trained in no time. You’ll minimize or eliminate accidents by properly training your new kitten and it is best to start right away. Establishing the behavior – Your new kitten is not ...

Karla News

The Irish Draught Horse: Breed Characteristics

The Irish Draught is a breed that makes you wonder why horse breeders don’t breed more of them and less of slimmer, more fragile breeds. Although called the Irish Draught (pronounced “draft”), they do not look like a typical draft horse breed. They were bred to be all-around horses, pulling plows as well as taking ...

Karla News

Should You Buy a Hypoallergenic Cat?

Do you find yourself having an awful allergic reaction every time that you go around a cat? At the same time, do your children absolute love kitties… or do you even love kitties, despite the fact that you are allergic to them? If so, the idea of a hypo allergic cat may sound like a ...

Karla News

Best Five Cat Treats for Your Kitties

Trying to find cat treats for your kitties to enjoy can be difficult since there isn’t very many to choose from. However, I have kitties myself and have found five of the best cat treats for them and I would like to tell you cat owners out there what they are. Now one of the ...

Karla News

Feline Diabetes: Symptoms, Treatments, and the Insulin Shot

WHAT TO LOOK FOR: SYMPTOMS OF FELINE DIABETES Sally has a cat named Kitty and has never heard of feline diabetes. She is also quite unimaginative when it comes to naming her pet. Kitty is a seven-year-old male who has been neutered. Lately, Sally has noticed that Kitty’s litter is soaked: the litter is not ...