Articles for category: Pets

Karla News

Helping Your Cat with Separation Anxiety

Contrary to a common myth that cats are independent and aloof, most cats bond strongly with humans and with other animals in the home. Cats with separation anxiety may display a variety of symptoms. Fortunately, there are several ways in which you can help a cat with separation anxiety. Certain cats are especially prone to ...

Karla News

Facts About the Schipperke

The Schipperke (pronounced SKIP-er-key) is a small, quick, and energetic little dog. He is somewhat unusual looking with a fox-like face. He has a distinctive thick black “double fur” coat with longer outer hairs that are harsher to the touch over a soft, fluffier undercoat. He is sometimes born tail-less, but, if he does possess ...

Karla News

Symptoms of Dogs with Bone Cancer

Dog bone cancer, typically affects large and giant dog breeds, generally arising in middle aged to elderly dogs. Most dogs develop this form of cancer when they are 6 years or older. While any bone can virtually be affected by cancer, the limbs are affected 75 to 85 percent of the time, according to Mar ...

Karla News

Give Your New Puppy a Unique Name!

It’s so exciting to get a new puppy, and even more fun to choose the perfect name for him or her! There is no right or wrong way to naming your dog. You could always just go with one of the most popular names, like Lady or Princess for girl dogs, and Buddy or Duke ...

Karla News

Bob Barker: Come on Down

Bob Barker is probably best known for hosting the longest running daytime game shows of all time: The Price is Right. He’s also a strong animal rights activist. If you’ve ever watched it while he was still hosting it, you may have noticed he always ended the show with an important phrase: “Help control the ...

Karla News

Tips for Choosing Male Dog Names

There is a distinct difference in the personalities and features of male dogs of all breeds. They tend to be more masculine and therefore should have a masculine sounding name. There are lists of male dog names for all sizes of dogs. Small male dogs that are very frisky and playful should have a name ...

Karla News

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire terriers are small dogs with big personalities that make great family pets. Yorkies are known for their charm and their vitality, as well as their lovely, silky coats. As with most dogs, the key to grooming a Yorkshire terrier is consistency and diligence. At a minimum, you should bathe your Yorkshire terrier every two ...

Karla News

Why I Had to Potty Train My Pet Hamster

Several years ago, when I first started to work at PetCo as a part-time employee, I re-discovered pet hamsters. Of course as a child, my family had the cute furry pets, but now as an adult, I was reintroduced to the funny antics, cute furry smiles and inquisitive nature of these animals. During my first ...

Karla News

Best Aquarium Fish for Hard Water Tanks

Some fish have different water quality needs. One of the ways fish can vary from species to species is the amount of hardness they need in their water. Hardness refers to the amount of calcium and magnesium that is concentrated in the water. Before buying fish for your aquarium, research the hardness in the water ...

Karla News

Bearded Dragon Color Varieties

Selective Breeding Just like with most selective breeding of reptiles, bearded dragons are sometimes targeted as projects themselves. What happens is if there are some bearded dragons that have some unique traits, say there large, they have really bright colors, or whatever the case may be, the end result is new bearded dragons with even ...