Articles for category: LIFESTYLE

Karla News

Fruit Baskets: Should You Make Your Own or Buy One?

Do you have to buy a gift for a special occasion? Whether that special occasion involves a birthday, an anniversary, a wedding, a home warming party, a baby shower, or a holiday, you may want to examine fruit baskets. Fruit baskets, literally, make the perfect gift, for just about any occasion. If you do decide ...

Karla News

“I’ve Got Your Back” Water Game for Kids

Summertime presents all sorts of hot scenarios. Your own kids are bored and there’s nothing to do outside. Or, the neighborhood kids are all playing outdoors but they sure look hot and sweaty. Maybe you’ve invited kids over for a birthday party at your house? When it’s summer, and kids are outside, there doesn’t necessarily ...

Karla News

Starting Dreadlocks: What to Know Before You Lock

If you’re considering starting dreadlocks, you’re probably wondering what to expect along the way. Dreadlocks are – by nature – locked and become a permanent hairstyle, and you probably don’t want to rush into a quick decision without having all the facts. So here are some things you should know about dreads, locks, or whatever ...

Karla News

Easy, Healthy Appetizer Recipe Ideas

These appetizers are easy to make, delicious, and healthy enough that you won’t feel guilty about eating them. Melon wrapped in low-fat ham. This is a great sweet and salty appetizer. You can use a melon baller to make bite-size melon pieces, or just use a knife to make small melon cubes. Then cut low-fat, ...

Karla News

My Top Three Six Flags Over Georgia Roller Coasters

I must admit that for most of my adolescence and teen years, I was deathly afraid of riding roller coasters. I imagined that as soon as I worked up the nerve, the particular ride of my choosing would decide to malfunction. As the years progressed, I challenged myself to take the plunge (pun intended) and ...

Karla News

Why I Wear a Rosary as a Necklace

An interesting question was asked of me today: “You wear a rosary as a necklace. Can you explain this?” It is not an easy thing to answer, but it does have a reason and a story behind it. You see, I am not Catholic. When people see me with a rosary, their first thought it ...

Karla News

Best Things to Do in Boston: Events September 15-22

September offers a ton of great events to take advantage of in Boston and Cambridge areas. This article series highlights some of the best of them. Many events on this list are free of charge; the ones that cost money are either fairly inexpensive or otherwise well worth the cash. This article will cover the ...

Karla News

Six Elements of a Good Eulogy

Eulogies are given at funerals by friends, relatives and sometimes associates as personal memorials or individual reflections about the deceased. If you have attended even a few funerals that have included eulogies you may have recognized that some flow smoothly and others decidedly do not. You may even have thought to yourself, “what would I ...

Karla News

Stardust-at-Home: Volunteer to Sort Space Dust

Stardust@home, this is really cool, you can sign up to help researchers look for particles from distant stars that were captured by the spacecraft Stardust. The “dust” particles are embedded in some collector plates made of Aerogel. Researchers are looking for interstellar dust grains in the collector plates. Space travel beyond Mars has discovered that ...