Articles for category: HOME IMPROVEMENT

DIY – How to Build a Picket Fence Headboard

When trying to find creative ideas for your bedroom one of the best things to tweak is your headboard. You can create a whole new themed room based on your headboard. A great headboard idea would be a picket fence. This could be placed in a child’s room or a rustic country style room as ...

Crisco Vegetable Shortening

When I think of Crisco Vegetable Shortening, I think of southern fried chicken and Sundays with my grandmother, but I’ve discovered that this vegetable shortening can be used for more than cooking your Sunday dinner. It’s been around since 1911 when it was first produced by Proctor & Gamble as a 100 % vegetable shortening. ...

A Bit About How Thermostats Work and Why They Are Important

Brrrrrr! For those of us lucky enough to live in the Midwest and Northeast, our much beloved winter is back and ’tis the season for sledding, snow angels, snow forts, snowmen, and snowball fights. After participating is such riveting activities, nothing beats coming into a warm, toasty house for hot chocolate by the fireplace. But ...

Top Leaf Blowers for Under $100

Fall looms ahead like so many leaves attached to branches just waiting to fall to the earth. With thoughts of autumn come children back in school, red apples begging to be picked, orange pumpkins, and your yard a colorful display of leaves lying all about. Get ahead of the race between man and leaf buy ...

How to Strip and Refinish Your Deck

It is that time of year again. Time for backyard cookouts and pool parties. You are in full planning mode for a season of fun, but let’s not forget an important member of the outdoor team. If your deck is in good condition, you will be much more likely to enjoy all those hours outdoors. ...

Deodorize Urine Odor with Borax

Urine odors can be very hard to eliminate from surfaces. Pet accidents can be hard to get the urine smells eliminated from surfaces. Bed wetting accidents can leave a mattress smelling like urine. If you have small children with diapers you know that the diaper pail can get gamely over use. Urine odors can be ...

Pledge with Future Shine: Review

Pledge Floor Finish with Future Shine provides long lasting shine for even the oldest linoleum and no wax floors. Having linoleum kitchen and bathroom floors that are several years old, and appeared dingy and have lost their shine, I was on the search for a way to renew the floors and bring back the shine ...