Articles for category: History

Karla News

Glade Sense & Spray: Product Review

There are a few automatic air fresheners on the market that release fragrance either continuously or at timed intervals, but Glade Sense & Spray is different. It comes equipped with a smart motion sensor and only sprays when it senses movement in the room. So if no one is in the room moving around, the ...

Karla News

Ramses II: The Egyptian Superman

Ramses II (reign 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE), also known as Ramesses the Great, was the eldest son of the great Egyptian pharaoh Seti I (reign 1290 BCE to 1279 BCE) by his chief queen Tuya. The third Egyptian pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty, he is often regarded as Egypt’s greatest, most celebrated, as well ...

Karla News

The Metaphysics of Idealism and Naturalism

Since the time of Ancient Greece, philosophers have attempted to define the ultimate reality of the universe. In these early times, two primary schools of thought formed with regard to this reality, or metaphysics. These were Idealism and Naturalism. Plato, the originator of Idealism, argued that basic thoughts, or ideals, formed the basis for all ...

Karla News

The 5 Worst US Presidents

While every U.S. president strives for greatness not everyone succeeds. Sometimes the pressure of the job is too much and the wrong decisions are made. Where will George W. Bush and Barack Obama stand in the annals of American history? Only time will tell. For now here is my list of the five worst presidents ...

Karla News

A Langston Hughes Tribute with Quotes

These quotes from Langston Hughes are a tribute to mark the 40 year anniversary of his passing. Although I did not discover the writings of Mr. Hughes until the late 1960’s, I especially like his series of books about Jesse B. Semple, often called Simple, published in the 1950’s. This lead to finding and reading ...

Karla News

The Battle of Bunker Hill Report

On a clear summer day in June of 1775, 1,500 untrained American troops fought a losing battle against over 2,000 professional British soldiers. The confrontation was dubbed the Battle of Bunker Hill. The battle was fought under three generals, with foolish battle strategies, and became a strong foundation for the rest of the Revolution. The ...

Karla News

How to Find My Ancestors?

Perhaps the best way to begin finding out more about your family is to talk to, well, your family of course! If you have some surviving elderly ancestors and their memory is still relatively good, interviewing them with prepared questions can help you cover years of family history in just a few hours-as well as ...

Karla News

Early Skyscrapers of Boston, Massachusetts

Boston, Massachusetts, unlike New York or Chicago, is not a city well known for its skyscrapers, which unfortunately means that Boston’s skyscrapers go largely unnoticed by both the casual observer and architectural expert. But if one were to take a little time to note some of Boston’s early taller buildings, they would be pleasantly surprised ...