Articles for category: History

Karla News


Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it. – Viktor E. Frankl Viktor Frankl, the father of “logotherapy”, practiced the ...

Karla News

The History of Cirque Du Soleil: Dazzling Human Circus and More

The ‘Circus of the Sun’ or ‘Cirque du Soleil’ as it is officially known, is an amazing entertainment visual and auditory feast presented in various venues around the world. The ‘circus’ is comprised of human performers engaged in extraordinary feats of acrobatics, dance and other movement set to music. Elements such as water, fire, and ...

Karla News

The Life of Winston Churchill – From Boy to Man

Winston S. Churchill was born November 30th 1874 at Blenheim Palace near Woodstock, England. His mother and father were invited to a fancy dress ball that night and Lady Churchill, though due with the birth of her child within the next few weeks, was insistent upon attending. Winston however, as in so many other instances ...

Karla News

The Cold War – a Brief History

The Cold War period is one of the most defining episodes in world history. The Cold War shaped geopolitical and geo-statistics alignment between most of the world’s nations. The world was commenced at the end of Second World War 1945 and lasted to the disintegration of the USSR in 1991. Origin of term The origin ...

Karla News

Biography: Cesare Borgia

He was the son of a pope and brother of the notorious poisoner Lucrezia Borgia. Cesare Borgia was born in Rom in 1476 while his father, Pope Alexander VI, was still a cardinal. The son of Alexander’s mistress, Vanessa die Catani, Cesare was his father’s favorite son, according to Since nepotism under Alexander Vi’s ...

Karla News

Hispanic American Medal of Honor Winner Roy Benavidez

Over the course of the Vietnam War, a total of 238 Congressional Medals of Honor were awarded to American forces. Of that number, over sixty percent of the 150 Congressional Medals of Honor awarded were done so posthumously. One of the soldiers that won our country’s most prestigious award for valor made it out of ...

Karla News

The Trail of Tears and America’s Bataan Death March

In early April of 1942, about 54,000 US troops surrendered to the Japanese forces in the Philippines. They were forced to March 65 miles of treacherous terrain to a POW camp. Many died from malnutrition, disease, and Japanese brutality. It is estimated that only two out of three survived. The Japanese were ill prepared to ...

Karla News

Socrates and Love

The world in which we live is one that is defined by languages; these are man-made means of communication like most other forms of communications the world knows of today. Often the terms that people are acquainted with are ones that are quite fluid, and often there is severe confusion because of this fluidity. Indeed ...

Karla News

Glencoe High School History Books are Woefully Inadequate

It is to be assumed that no book can be 100 percent perfect; nearly any history book will have either a handful of translation/interpretation of event errors or, at the very least, present positions that are still in dispute and cannot be immediately verified. Under normal circumstances, this would be overlooked as the education in ...

Karla News

20 Interesting Facts About Amelia Earhart

At the age of 7, Amelia Earhart constructed her own roller coaster using fence rails and roller skates. Amelia Earhart and her younger sister Muriel often wore loose pants called bloomers, which shocked many ladies of the day. During the First World War, Amelia left college and joined her sister in Toronto, Canada, to become ...