Articles for category: History

Karla News

Election of 1940: Franklin Roosevelt Breaks the Two Term Tradition

Candidates: Democratic Party: Franklin Roosevelt (New York) and Henry Wallace (Iowa) Republican Party: Wendell Willkie (New York) and Charles McNary (Oregon) Election Results: Roosevelt and Wallace: 27.31 million popular votes, 449 electoral votes. Willkie and McNary: 22.34 million popular votes, 82 electoral votes. Summary: As the 1940 presidential election loomed large, the question of whether ...

Karla News

Reflections of Life in the 1950’s

As a pre-baby boomer, I often find myself reflecting back to the 1950’s and comparing that era with today, and am amazed as to how far we have come in the field of technology ,and how much more items cost. Today, the minimum wage is almost an hourly $7.00; while from 1950-1959 the minimum wage ...

Karla News

Police TV: Ten Classic Cop Shows

While it’s true that many people today dislike and even don’t trust the police, there’s no denying that television shows about cops have always been a staple of the medium. Over the course of TV history, a number of shows have even been responsible for making young people want a career in law enforcement because ...

Karla News

Review of Abraham Lincoln: A Biography by Benjamin P. Thomas

Abraham Lincoln: A Biography, by Benjamin P. Thomas, is generally considered one of the main texts about the life of Abraham Lincoln. This book chronicles the life of Lincoln from his early years spent in Illinois and nearby states, through his legal and political careers, to his assassination after the culmination of the Civil War. ...

Karla News

A History of Mermaids

For centuries now mermaid myths have been around. Numerous water spirits were said to have lived in West Africa according to the Igbo people as well as others. Not all were of the appearance of a half-fish, half-human, but some were have said to look like alligators and snakes. In the 1500’s Europeans were carving ...

Karla News

When Were Roller Skates Invented?

In 1743 there was a stage performance in London. The actors and actresses in the show wore roller skates, this was the first ever recorded use of this recreational footwear. It is not known who invented this particular set of roller skates. Reports indicate that is was not until 1760 when Jean-Joseph Merlin put on ...

Karla News

Who is Hel, the Norse Goddess of Death?

The heathen faith practiced by the Vikings (which is referred to as Asatru by modern practitioners) was a very diverse and involved religion. For instance, unlike modern Christianity (where you go to heaven, hell or the inbetween), there were dozens of places that you might go after death according to the Norse. Those who died ...

Karla News

Top Ten Toys of Yesterday: 1990s

As a new Century was preparing to begin, with huge advances in just about everything, including artificial intelligence, two of the most popular toys of the 90s were cardboard discs and water guns! Japan gave us a couple of our favorites and of course, most of the rest were highly advanced and revolutionary in nature. ...