Articles for category: Fitness & Exercise

Thigh Sculpting and Shaping Exercise for Women

Women and their thighs: Here’s an amazing thigh shaping exercise just for you ladies. I’m a certified personal trainer and have always enjoyed watching my clients’ thighs change in only a matter of several weeks, due to just one specific routine. Does the front part of your upper legs, your thighs, lack shape and substance? ...

Cardio Equipment Alternatives

There are few frequently used machines that are thought about when we think of cardio exercise equipment. The common machines include the treadmill, the rowing machines, the stationary bikes and the elliptical machine. These are common machines used for cardio exercise. However, there are many more cardio machines are available in the market for your ...

How to Ride a Bicycle with No Handlebars

If you’ve ever envied cyclists who can breeze down a street with hands lazily lolling at their sides, here is your chance to discover their secret. Riding a bicycle requires a great deal of balance and coordination, but riding a bicycle without holding onto the handlebars takes a cyclist’s skills to the next level. To ...

Barbell Workout Routines for Beginners

Here are great but simple barbell workout routines for beginning fitness enthusiasts. I’m a certified personal trainer and I have my beginner clients performing these inviting barbell routines during their workouts. If you already belong to a gym or are planning on joining one, then you will have plenty of barbells at your disposal. Barbells ...

Learn How to Weight Train With a Body Sculpt Class

I’m a personal trainer and a Spinning instructor but there was a time when I was afraid to venture into the weight room. I was so intimidated by the machines, free weights, and the fit and toned people who used them. I didn’t know anything about weight training and merely blundered my way through some ...

Plantar Fasciitis: Facts, No Fiction

As a soon to be, 40-year-old, former high school and collegiate athlete (who still can’t give up the sports), I have certainly had more than my fair share of sports-related injuries. On one occasion, nearly seven years ago, I awoke one morning after a routine session of basketball the evening before. As I got out ...

Eight of the Best Ab Workout Machines

Physical appearance is always an important issue for people trying to maintain the perfect figure. Having the six pack abs that so many strive to achieve can only be done by working out. There are a variety of Ab Machines on the market that help people achieve the desired appearance, but what products work best. ...

What it Takes to Train for a Marathon

Training and preparations for a marathon can be a daunting task. Many questions can arise. There are common questions when running a marathon for the first time. Some of those questions are how long is a marathon, when the best time is to start training for a marathon, and which type of training produces the ...

Resistance Bands and Tubes

Resistance Bands And Tubes Free weights and machines are the usual contraptions that most people use while doing strength training. You do not see many people using resistance bands and tubes. But resistance bands and tubes offer a lot of convenience at times when you cannot make it to the gym or while travelling. These ...