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Cat Genie 120 Product Review

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Pros: This self cleaning litter box is simply amazing in the fact that you won’t have to lift a finger when it comes to cleaning up after your cat(s) bodily waste. The Cat Genie 120 is incredibly convenient and will sift through the “plastic” litter granules, scooping your cats waste away. It will then completely wash and rinse the litter, draining all waste into your plumbing (via toilet or washing machine hook-ups). The Cat Genie 120 finishes the process by blow drying the litter granules so that it’s completely set-up and ready for your cat to use again.

I have absolutely loved not having to scoop and change litter. It has allowed me to truly enjoy having a cat without the hassle.

If you purchase a mat to go with your Cat Genie it will save you a lot of headaches with sweeping litter as it is tracked out (Cat Genie offers this in one of their packages).

Cons: Convenience goes a long way for me which is why I have rated this product at 4 stars. That being said, there are some definite cons to this product that I do hope are resolved in future models.

The first major issue I have with this product is the smell. One would assume that a litter box that completely self cleans and washes itself would leave your home smelling fresh. This is most definitely not the case with the Cat Genie 120. For urination, it is fine – however, if your kitty goes “#2”, more times than not, when it is in the washing process, your entire room will fume with the strong scent of fecal matter (it is as though you’ve taken all of the feces, thrown it into a bowl, and mashed it all up, then set it out for all to smell). Yeah, it’s pretty bad (and I only have 1 adolescent cat!). In all honesty my room has never smelt so bad since I’ve used this product. With some air freshener and scented candles, I have been able to keep things under control, but I’m unable to stomach the scent as the Cat Genie is actually cleaning the feces.

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There are many times I am stuck having to manually run the washing cycle a second time after a #2 just to rid the smell from the litter box.

In addition, the size of the Cat Genie is a slight inconvenience. It’s great for your kitty since there is ample space. However, it does not fit very will in your average sized bathroom and will leave you having to step around and over it. Let alone the icky feeling after you step out of the shower and have to maneuver around a litter box. If you are able to hook this up near your washing machine, I highly recommend it!

Summary: In a nutshell, I love the convenience of the Cat Genie, and do intend to keep it since it has made litter duty completely hands-free. There are just some concerns and distaste when it comes to the smell. It’s something I definitely recommend you consider prior to the purchase.