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Caring for Your Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies, Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers, referred to as Yorkies, are incredible little dogs. Based on registrations through the American Kennel Club, Yorkshire Terriers became the second most popular dog breed in America in 2006.

There are many reasons for their popularity including how loving, smart, and playful they are. They were originally bred to be rat-hunting dogs, so they have a courage and toughness about them that is very unusual for this small of a breed.

When you first bring your Yorkie home, have a pet bed for them. He or she will feel more comfortable learning that they have a place of their very own. Get a baby blanket and small stuffed animal for them to cuddle with. Yorkies love to be under covers and will spend time “making their bed” and moving their animal around with them.

Set a schedule right away. Yorkies are very smart and you’ll have a much easier time training them if they learn what to expect at certain times of the day. Try to put them out, or on a paper at the same times every day for easier potty training. Also feed them on schedule and have a scheduled playtime and bedtime for them. You will be surprised at how soon your Yorkie will start to remind you of the schedule.

Yorkies will develop about the vocabulary of a three-year-old child. Help them learn the most important words by being very simple and clear with them. Say their name to call them to you and reward them with extra love or a little treat when they listen. Use the same word for teaching them commands. For example, use the word “No” consistently instead of telling them “Stop”, or “Don’t do that” or other words you may use to correct them with.

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There are several feeding methods you can use with your Yorkie. Talk with your vet to find out what they feel is the best solution. If you feed them primarily soft food, make sure you give them plenty of crunchy dog bones and other treats to help clean their teeth. Make sure and avoid table scraps. A number of people food items are toxic to dogs, especially such tiny ones like these Yorkies.

You should brush your Yorkies teeth, about once a week. The dentist has different items you can use for this. The easiest thing I’ve found is an item that fits over your finger, so you can clean their teeth and gums by massaging them with your finger. It’s easier to control than a toothbrush and is more thorough. Schedule cleanings with your vet for about twice a year as well. This will help assure that your Yorkie will keep his or her teeth throughout their life.

Yorkies don’t have “dog” hair, it’s more like a humans. The great thing about that is they don’t shed. The downside is you need to plan to brush them daily. Use shampoo that you use for yourself and a great conditioner. Plan to bathe them weekly. You also want to get a coat for them if you live in a colder climate. Since Yorkies don’t have fur like other dogs, they get colder easier.

Yorkies are small and get plenty of exercise just running around the house. It’s still a good idea to take them for walks and get in the habit of playing fetch and tug-of-war with them. They’ll stay in better shape all around that way. Better yet, get two Yorkies! You’ll have twice the love and affection, and they’ll have a constant playmate.