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California Sea Lion Facts

Sea Lions

California sea lions, zalophus californianus, do not have the lion-like manes that other sea lions do. Males are much larger than females, measuring 6.5 to 8.2 feet (2 to 2.5 meters) and weighing 441 to 1,000 pounds (200 to 453 kilograms). Females only measure 5 to 6.6 feet (1.5 to 2 meters) and weigh 110 to 250 pounds (50 to 113 kilograms). Males are a very dark brown color, almost black while females are a more yellowish tan. They also have large eyes, external ear flaps, around 40 to 60 whiskers, and a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm while they are in the water. California sea lions are the fastest of all the sea lions, reaching speeds of up to 25 miles (40 kilometers) an hour when swimming in the water. They can also move fairly well while on land due to the ability of rotating their rear flippers forward.

California sea lions can be found living along the Pacific coast of North America, from Baja California in Mexico, all the way up to Canada’s British Columbia. They can even be found near the Galapagos Islands. They prefer to inhabit the waters on and near rocky and sandy shores of both the mainland and coastal islands. On land, they will often gather in large groups (called rafts) containing as many as 1,000 individuals, where they will lie next to or even on top of each other. While out at sea, they will travel in much smaller groups of around 10 or more. They communicate with one another through a series of growls, barks, roars and grunts.

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The diet of California sea lions consists of a wide variety of fish, squid and octopus. They are able to hold their breath for up to 10 minutes by slowing down their heart rate, allowing them to pursue their prey for a longer period of time than they would be able to otherwise. California sea lions have been known to continuously hunt for up to 30 hours at a time, with their eyesight and hearing being an important part in locating their food. Being so large, they do not have that many natural predators that they need to be on the lookout for.

Male California sea lions will begin establishing breeding territories from May all the way to August with the height of the breeding season taking place from late June to early July. After a gestation period of around 11 to 11.5 months, females will give birth to 1 pup on average on land. Pups will nurse anywhere from 6 months to 1 year. They will form groups (called pods) with other pups and interact with one another until their mothers decide its time to leave. If the pups can survive long enough, they can live to be 15 to 25 years old.

California sea lions are not listed as an endangered species. This is largely due to laws such as the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection act of 1972, which protect and maintain a healthy population of such creatures. Hopefully such acts will continue to show results and California sea lions never have to face the threat of extinction. After all, such a unique species of sea lion deserves to live and prosper for many years.

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Works Cited

“California Sea Lion” 2 February 2011

“California Sea Lion” 2 February 2011

“California Sea Lion” 2 February 2011