Karla News

Brain Evolution System: The First Step in Your Online Business Success

Brain Evolution, December 12 2012

My depression is something I don’t talk about. I know. It’s a cliche. Most people who are depressed don’t talk about their depression, because they either just don’t know they are depressed, or the people around them are telling them to just snap out of it, there’s nothing wrong with them.

I know from experience that depression is a serious problem, and I also know it’s real because I’ve had it. It’s nearly impossible to snap out of it. All of the things that would help you feel better, like meditation, exercise, changing the way you think are nearly impossible to do because it seems as if you are stuck in this private hell you can’t get out of.

Many of the goals in 2006 are the same goals I have now. I’ve struggled for years to accomplish them, and I’ve never accomplished them because I was never operating at 100 percent. This year things changed for me though, and they changed for me in a big way. I got tired of the way my life was. I got tired of never getting the things I wanted out of life.

My sister talked me into starting a walking program. When I first started, I got up, drug myself out there, and I walked. For the first couple of weeks it was hard, but I stuck with it. I started to feel better. Things that were bothering me before weren’t bothering me anymore. I started rebuilding my business. I started making a plan, and most importantly of all, I started thinking about a future for myself.

My children come from a single parent home. I raised them by myself. They were my whole world. Then they grew up, and I just didn’t know what to do with myself, and I think this was a major cause of my depression. I lost sight of the fact that I could live a good life, but I had to decide what I wanted for myself from this moment on. The life we live we must live for ourselves. We can’t live for other people. When we do, we set ourselves up for failure, and that’s exactly what I did.

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The walking really helped, but it wasn’t enough. So I wrote down my goals. Started reading them every day. Started doing meditation too, but it still wasn’t enough. I was making progress, but it was so slow that I felt like I was slogging through mud.

Back in November I was approached to promote the Brain Evolution System. I left that joint venture email to sit there for a couple of weeks because I just didn’t know what to do with it, but I didn’t throw it away. Then I got another email and I got curious. So I replied back to send me a copy because I don’t do joint ventures without reviewing the product. There are so many crappy products out there that I just don’t want to promote them and ruin my reputation.

I tried it. You will think I am kidding when I say that I was blown away by this product. After about three days of listening to this product, I was amazed. I was really starting to feel better. Mind you, I was starting to feel better because I had moved and some other circumstances changed in my life, but after listening to this, WOW! I was really starting to feel better.

The first day I listened to it was on November 24, 2012. By December 12, 2012, I felt like a different person. I was happy, productive, and I was getting an amazing amount of work done. I mean I’m plowing through projects and finishing them up like there’s no tomorrow.

My relationship with my dad improved. If ever there is a grumpier human being on this earth, then please show me one! LOL. Now we talked to each other. My dad is starting to respond to me in a totally different way. Instead of screaming at me, he sits me down and actually has a conversation with me. It’s amazing. The only thing that changed in this situation, which is also amazing, is that I changed the way I was thinking. I got more relaxed. It was easier to listen, and even better, I’ve gained a level of self control that unbelievable. I can be relaxed in situations where before they drove me crazy.

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Have I met my goals yet? No. Because it feels like I have just started working on them, and it started on November 24. However, since I started using this program, I see my goals in site. That includes things like trips, becoming a best selling author, and a host of other things. You see, you only have three areas in your life you can improve: health, wealth, and relationships.

What Brain Evolution has done for me is to help me get focused on my life, to think about what I want, what I need, and what I need to do to change my life and have the life I want instead of a life of quiet desperation that most people live. Until you understand that change comes from the inside and not the outside, your life will never get better. You don’t have to change the world around you. All you have to do is change yourself, and when you start to change, the circumstances around you will start to change. You can fix your relationships, build your wealth, and have incredible health.

How Brain Evolution helps you do this is that it helps you change effortlessly. You listen to it 30 minutes a day. You start to refocus, you start to think about things. What you think and believe about life, about yourself, is absolutely crucial to your success, and what Brain Evolution will do is get rid of all that mental clutter and allow you to see what you need to do to change your life. You will feel motivated, you’ll start dreaming again, and you’ll start taking steps to make those dreams come true. That’s what it’s doing for me.

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I’m no longer controlled by my circumstances or what’s happening in Washington D.C. or even what’s happening around me. Now I’m empowered because I know the real power, the power to change my life lies within me. What a wonderful feeling! I’m no longer influenced by all the things that are going on around me. I can and often am, very happy regardless of what is going on around me or what is happening in the world. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s just now I am able to put things in perspective. I see what I have control over and what I can really change. I let the other stuff go now. I focus on my life, what I want and need, and how to get to where I want to be.

Now some of you know I’m a Christian. I believe in a loving God who has a great purpose for us all. This is for you too. Meditation is an ancient practice, and ancient Christians practiced it. Somehow we got away from that, and it has hurt many Christians too. Either way, this program is for you too, and it can help you experience God in a way you have never experienced him.

I’ve used a lot of programs over the years, but nothing has worked like this. Nothing has helped me become more focused, more happy, and more productive than this. If you’re tired of living a life of quiet desperation, then you want to try this. It will change your life, and you will feel like there is absolutely nothing you can’t do.
