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Big Brother 12: Recap of Episode 1

House Guests, Monet

Big Brother 12 episode one aired July 8 and was, as to be expected, full of surprises. In a series first, one player will play the game not to win $500,000 but to wreak havoc ad sabotage the other players. The show started by highlighting how each house guest found their key to the house and saying their good-byes to their family. You can learn more about each house guest by reading their bios here. Read on for a recap of the first episode of Big Brother 12.

Entering the house

All the houseguests gather on the front steps from of the house. Brittany, Ragen, Brendon and Rachel were the first to enter the house and pick their beds. Rachel was ecstatic and stated the Big Brother house was much better then Vegas. Lane, Annie, Enzo, Kathy and Andrew were the next to enter the house. They quickly chose their beds and started introducing themselves to their fellow houseguests. Monet, Hayden, Kristin and Matt were the final houseguests to enter the house. Monet blew right by the other houseguests on a quest to find herself a bed. Hayden was disappointed to not find a bed but resolve to the solution of figuring it out later.

House Guest Introductions

After everyone was allowed into the house, the guests all sat in the living and the introductions…and the lies…began. The highlights of the introductions include:

• Kristen- a model

• Matt- claims he is a genius but doesn’t share this with the rest of the houseguests, just got married last September, web designed and musician

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• Rachel- from Vegas, a Southern girl at heart

• Monet- small town girl, student, talked about her cats

• Brendan- swim coach, PE teacher, told he should apply to be Superman

• Hayden- college student, Kristen takes notice of him!

• Andrew- makes a joke about speed dating for Jewish singles and taking a wrong turn, reported being a shoes salesman instead of a doctor

• Lane- a salesman from an oil company with a great accent

• Kathy- revealed her age to the group (40), 22 year old son, deputy sherrif

• Brittany- recently engaged

• Enzo- Jersey boy, insurance sales, part time real estate agent

• Ragen- claimed to be a grad student in communications instead of a college professor

• Annie- bartender, French bull dog, declined to share she was bisexual

The introductions concluded with a toast to the least drama filled day!

The Saboteur

Julie gathers all the house guests into the living room. Expect the unexpected- no disappointment this time around. Asked if they want to win the game- everyone remarks yes! Julie explains the role of the Saboteur. Enzo reports he hates rates! The Saboteur’s job is to wreak havoc on the game. He can target one person, a group of people, or any of the competition. If they complete 5 weeks in the house they will collect $50,000. The house guests were left with a message from the Saboteur.

Head of Household

Since there are 13 house guests someone must sit out. Andrew quickly volunteers, raising suspicion with Enzo, even though he would then be unable to win Head of Household this week. It’s the red team (Matt, Monet, Brittany, Kristen, Lane, Hayden) verse the yellow team (Rachel, Annie, Kathy, Brendon, Enzo, Ragen) while Andrew is the hot dog wearing mascot. Once prepared for the competition, the house guests enter the backyard which is set up like a giant BBQ grill complete with giant bottles of ketchup and mustard.

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Andrew finds out he is safe from the first eviction. House guests are required to jump off the platform onto the giant hot dogs then their team mates will pull them across the grill. The first house guests across the grill and on the winning team wins $10,000, the second wins $1,000, the third wins $100, the fourth wins $10, the fifth wins $1 and the last one across is the HOH.

The red team jumps right into the competition with Kristin trying to be the first one to cross. The yellow team spends some moments strategizing. Annie is the first one across an grabs the $10,000 prize for the yellow team! Monet is the first one across for the red team and grabs her $10,000 prize. The winner of the prize will be determined once all the house guests are across. Ragen makes it over next- another one for the yellow team. Lane makes it over for the red team to tie the game. The red team gets a system going and quickly gets Kristen over while the yellow team continues to struggle. A series of unsuccessful attempts leads to Brittany falling and getting hurt. The whole game comes to a stop while a medic looks at Brittany’s knee. Meanwhile Hayden and Matt make a deal for HOH and safety. Brittany is pulled from the competition and switches places with Kristen (picked by the yellow team). This doesn’t set the red team back any as she quickly crosses again. Matt is next to cross for the red team with Hayden quickly following. The first HOH is: Hayden.

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The Saboteur Attacks

The house guests are all sitting around in the living room when the lights go out. Brittany thinks it’s a technical difficulty while Enzo gets suspicious. Brendon takes it as a clue to go to bed and gets up to brush his teeth resulting in his fellow housemates getting suspicious of him. Andrew saw it as a chance to play some pranks on his peers. Once the lights go back on, the saboteur makes an announcement: an easy sabotage results in the food supply closet being locked. Have no fear though: there is plenty of slop in the kitchen!

A summer of backstabbing has only just begun!

You can watch this episode here. The next episode airs on Sunday night!

Tune in Thursday night to find out who the saboteur is….meanwhile cast your vote below (in the comments section)!