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Beyond the Stars: Space Exploration Movies

Space Exploration

“Apollo 18” is a film about a fictional secret mission to the moon, where supposedly found footage chronicles the tale of those last astronauts to make a manned moon voyage. Space travel has inspired many filmmakers to tell complex, intriguing stories about both physical and mental exploration.

Moon” (UK, 2009)
Director: Duncan Jones; Starring: Sam Rockwell, Kevin Spacey

In this claustrophobic, understated SF story, astronaut Sam Bell is harvesting an essential fuel from the far side of the moon. He lives in isolation, the sole member of his team, unable to communicate in real time with his family. But when he falls mysteriously ill and has a near-fatal accident, things get stranger, leading to a lot of self-questioning. Is he suffering from hallucinations? What’s really happening, and when can he go home?

Sunshine” (UK, 2007)
Director: Danny Boyle; Starring: Cillian Murphy, Rose Byrne, Chris Evans

Fifty years into the future, the Sun is dying. An elite band of astronauts is sent to reignite the sun, picking up where a previous mission failed. In this visually stunning, introspective film, when the astronauts run into trouble, they find themselves fighting not only for their lives but also for their sanity.

2001: A Space Odyssey” (USA, 1968)
Director: Stanley Kubrick; Starring: Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester

No list of space exploration movies could be complete without the one that set the bar for all such movies that followed. In “2001,” Kubrick captured space travel with amazing accuracy, coming out a year before the moon landing. The film is ultimately more about the internal journey of Dr. Dave Bowman (Dullea), who battles a sentient computer named HAL for control of his ship but also encounters a mysterious alien force.

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Mission to Mars” (USA, 2000)
Director: Brian De Palma; Starring: Tim Robbins, Gary Sinise, Don Cheadle

A rescue mission is launched to investigate a failed manned mission to Mars. When the team arrives, they speak to the sole survivor to try to find out the truth. Like “Moon” and “Sunshine,” this film becomes as much about internal revelations as it is about space exploration.

Silent Running” (USA, 1972)
Director: Douglas Trumbull; Starring: Bruce Dern, Cliff Potts, Ron Rifkin

In a cautionary environmental tale, an astronaut goes renegade when he’s ordered to destroy the last plant life, being sustained in a greenhouse on a space vessel. Fans of the movie love the three robots, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, who have a very realistic, boxy look. The movie explores the future of an earth where technology is valued over the environment.

Destination Moon” (USA, 1950)
Director: Irving Pichel; Starring: John Archer, Warner Anderson, Tom Powers

This classic SF film was one of the first that tried to provide a factual look at what a journey to the moon would be like. Based on a Robert Heinlein novel, “Destination Moon” portrays the hardships and triumphs of such a trip. While the sets and effects don’t look as close to reality as “2001” did, remember that this movie came out nearly 20 years before humans actually set foot on the moon.

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