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A Short Biography of Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin, Lunar Landing, Military Experience, Space Exploration

Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin was born in Montclair New Jersey on the 30th of January 1930.

A graduate of Montclair High school in Montclair New Jersey, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree from West Point military academy in 1951. Aldrin finished third in his graduating class at West Point then went on to further his education by achieving a doctorate of science in Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin holds honorary degrees from six other educational institutions.

All of “Buzz” Aldrin’s exceptional scholastic achievements eventually lead him to NASA. In 1963 Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became a member of the third group of astronauts named to join NASA. On November 11th three years later Aldrin and commander Jim Lovell launched into space aboard the Gemini 12 shuttle for a four day flight. the successful completion of this mission lead to the equally successful end to the entire Gemini program. While in outer space with the Gemini 12 Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin established a new record for activity outside a space shuttle by remaining outside in a lunar vehicle for 51/2 hours.

Aldrin eventually became the lunar module pilot for the Appollo 11. Following Neil Armstrong onto the lunar surface on July 20th 1969 together they completed the history making lunar landing. Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin’s exceptional educational background and military experience made him a huge asset to NASA’s space exploration program.

Since leaving NASA “Buzz” Aldrin has lectured all over the world and authored a novel about the Appollo space program in addition to two science fiction novels . He has been a very vocal supporter of space exploration and in fact started a rocket design company called Space Boosters. Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin continues to be an asset to the world of space exploration by offering his services as a consultant.