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Best 3 Hair Growth Brush for Hair Loss

Hair Growth

It’s comforting to know that even when you are experiencing hair loss. There is still hope to get your hair back. There are lots of treatments out there but some of these treatments and solutions are for the rich since they are not cost effective. Hair growth brushes are not only effective but affordable. Although what goes on in every average person’s mind is that once a product or service is cheap then it’s not effective but trust me, they are even more effective. Hair brushes generally help the hair grow but you don’t actually see it that way, it’s just a brush used in styling your hair. A hair growth brush stimulate blood supply to hair follicles thereby promoting healthy growth of hair, increase blood circulation in the scalp and also helps hair to grow properly. Most of these hair growth brushes act by brushing from the roots to the ends as a result remove dead cells and dirt as a result enhances a healthy and proper hair growth. There are different types of hair growth brush that you can use to help you with that hair loss and regain your hair back. Let’s go through some of them and maybe you will have to choose from the few that are listed below.

Neolight Laser Hair Brush – This hair growth brush is one of the most recent treatments for hair loss. Neolight laser hair brush is the combination of laser therapy with LED light therapy, which is used for increasing hair growth rate in men and women with hair loss and thinning hair. This hair growth brush works by applying phototherapy which is the application of light energy to the skin or scalp to help hair grow. Since it is a dual technological device, each device has its own part to play. The LLLT (low level laser therapy) helps to energize the scalp tissue, helps increase the rate of chemical processes performed by hair cells and also increases the energy available to cells so that they are able to take in nutrients faster and get rid of waste products. The LED emits infrared light that enhances cellular metabolism and increases the rate of repair and help to replenish damaged skin cells. Its quite easy to use, painless, non toxic and complements other treatments. It should be used three times daily and it is also cost effective.

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Pro Laser Hair Brush – This hair growth brush also utilizes dual technology. It’s a hair brush that provides the much needed light energy that is required for healthy and thick hair. Both the LLLT and LED help to stimulate the growth of a healthy, full and thick hair because it does not generate heat. It is easy to use, cost effective and should be used for about 10 – 15 mins, 3 times per week.

Sunetics Laser Hair Brush – This is the most affordable hair brush and most effective compared to other older style laser brush. It helps to achieve a thick, full, shiny and healthy hair growth. It is very convenient and can operate for 17 hours on a single charge. Sunetics laser hair brush has no side effects as there are no chemicals involved, just LLLT light used as energy. It’s also easy to use and should be used 5- 10 mins, 3 times per week.

Although there are different hair growth brushes around the world such as magnetic therapy hair brush, magic hair brush and others, these three that has being discussed above are the most effective, known, affordable and convenient to use.
